August Lovin'

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~August (aw·gust)~

"Rae, what are we?" She looked at me with an eyebrow cocked. Even I was a little shocked I let that come out of my mouth. It was strange, because the roles were usually switched. They usually asked me what the label on our relationship would be but this was different. She confuses me with her being loving one day, then the next fucking then leaving before I could even wake up.

I guess that's another reason I started messing around with her, she knew the deal. Now that I think about it, she also reminded me of me, before I actually started catching feelings for her, that is. I couldn't believe I put myself in this position. I should've just left it alone and let her tell me when she was ready because I surely feel like a little bitch now.

"What do you mean what are we, we're just two friends who are sexually attracted to one another. Isn't that what you said?" I blinked.

"You uh, you, um yeah, your right. That's what we are." Rae gave me the same look as before, this time scrunching her cute little face up. "Are you alright Aug?" I nodded, avoiding eye contact. I didn't love the broad, nowhere close to it actually, I was just actually starting to care for her a lot more than before. I know now that she doesn't care for me. I mean why would she?

We obviously weren't a couple meaning that we could see other people,  I mean I can see other people. I'd be damned if a nigga was touching what's mine, and will be mines until I say otherwise. That's just the type of man I am, very territorial even I can agree with that. I guess it's just the way I grew up. "Yeah, I'm gucci. " I looked down at my hands for a second then back into her eyes seeing nothing but lust. I smirked patting my lap for her to sit down. I guess that's one thing we can both agree on.

~Laloni (lay·lon·è)~

After my shower, there wasn't much I could think of besides Charlie.  No matter how much I do for myself, and how old I become, he would always hold onto that lump of authority that he's had over me since the beginning. If he really wanted to he could take every penny that I've ever made away from me and that's scary.

That's why I usually hide a few bands where ever I can because the more money in the bag he sees, the more money he takes. I was trying to protect myself and I was praying he would never find out. Trust me Charlie is nowhere near stupid. He finished high school a year early and started working on his four year buisness major in college. I would never know why he chose the lifestyle he did. I mean to insiders such as myself he's a crooked bastard who only cares for himself, but at work; his real job  they praise him like he's some lord.  I rolled my eyes at the thought,  falling back on the bed. I still had a towel wrapped around my body contemplating what to wear. I knew I had to meet with his friends, a little bit after my part time job at the local grocery store a couple miles from here, but then again I didn't want to get all dolled up and they wouldn't even be paying attention to it.

I was honestly hoping they would call it off, but I knew that wouldn't happen, not never with those two. My phone vibrated around on the side of me, indicating I had a hour and a half to get to work on time, and knowing the bus, it was going to take its sweet precious time, so I decided that I needed to be dressed in ten minutes. It wasn't like I had many options. I could wear any type of plain shirt as long as I had on dark pants, my nametag , and the little apron thing which helped us look like employees I guess.

I put my underclothes on, then slipped on a navy blue shirt with black regular pants. I clipped my nametag on, above my left breast then slipped my shoes on. I finger combed my hair into the neatest puff ball it would go into, then grabbed my little shoulder purse stuffing my phone, bus fare, keys, and my pepper spray inside.  It was crazy out here, especially with the name that I have.  Men would try anything. I mean, my profile was pretty lowkey,  but people still knew. They also knew that I was with Charlie and he was nobody to play around with. They just ain't know he was my step dad, well maybe a small proportion did.

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