[ 02 ] The Secrets of a House Brewing

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"You once casted us out, now we see!"

PRESTIGE PRINCESS Mileena Gentry had been acting psychotic lately.

After receiving a letter everything in her life seemed to move in slow motion. The girl wished time would speed up so she could get this over with. Despite being in one of the worst mental state's the Gentry girl had to go outside and put on her best show.

Mileena Gentry's naturally pin straight black hair had curls in it. On her head attached to a green veil was a Gentry silver tiara. Precisely embedded into the high value head piece were emeralds. Mileena wore a matching green dress-like the green of her house colors-to match the head piece.

Mileena looked in the mirror in disbelief. Her three years she served on Caladan were going to waste. The teen fought back tears not wanting to ruin her mascara. She looked directly at the floor hoping for the salt water to drip on the soft carpet her feet were on.

Looking at the floor and toying with her fingers Mileena took notice of her ring. Her stomach dropped two levels below. Everything seemed to remind her of that cursed letter she received.

On Mileena's left ring finger was her house ring. Mileena twisted the ring three times, there was no meaning behind the twist, it was just an everyday routine. The ring had a cobra spitting venom with their incredible aim. Sly and powerful creatures snake were. Out of all the animals Mileena wondered why the first Gentry duke chose a snake.

She wouldn't dwell on the thought, 'if you think too much your mind clouds with fog.' Both Elias and Emelina had told their daughter many times. Despite being hesitant Mileena snapped her eyes away for the silver piece of jewelry. She took a final look at herself in the mirror, traveled out the bedroom.

Gentry guards wore fur coats on top of their uniform making them look fearsome. They guided Mileena to a platform outside. As Elias caught sight of his daughter he stopped commanding the army immediately-handing his authority over to the Gentry Commander-and greeted his little girl.

Mileena held the bottom of her dress up with the assistance of her father. She looked over his shoulder to see her mother, Emelina Wei's face had no expression per usual. Emelina wore a dark green dress, on her back in a woven wrap was fast asleep Elisabeth Gentry. "How is she?" Mileena questioned.

"You know your mother-" Elias began. Mileena purposefully let out a loud sigh. She didn't care to hear about her mother, she was referring to Elisabeth. Elias made an obvious aggravated face.

"Mileena, I know your relationship with her but she's gone through tough times."

"Haven't we all? We get through them though." Mileena pushed past her father taking place beside Paul Atreides. Paul made curious eyes at the scene that just happened in front of him.

He didn't plan to mention a thing. As the whole Atreides Army and parts of the Gentry army lined up, the royal families took their place. The Atreides on the left, the Gentry on the right. As the ship landed the feeling of derealization strengthened in Mileena.

Thufir Hawat and Gurney Halleck took notes of the terrifying expressions on the Gentry faces. Thufir kept to himself but out of his loyalty to his Duke, Gurney was not afraid to speak his thoughts aloud. Especially when they were about potential traitors. "When the dog barks the lion doesn't turn around." Gurney quoted. The emperor sat on his Golden Lion Throne while the Gentrys barked for his mercy.

Elias and Emelina were unamused but guilt ate at Mileena Gentry. She whipped her head to her right to get a good look at the man. Emelina pushed on Mileena's toe warning the girl to not pay a slave any attention.

Mileena turned back around immediately. "Gurney. How about you think about smiling." Leto tried to smooth the situation over. "I am smiling."

"How much will it cost them, traveling all this way for this formality?" Was basically Leto's way of saying this could've been done over a letter.

"Three Guild Navigators. A total of 1.46 million, 62 solaris, round trip."

As the servants of the Emperor exited the ship Emelina and Jessica shared a look. Reverend Mother Mohiam, truthsayer to the Emperor. Despite not being trained by this specific Reverend Mother, Mileena Gentry still knew why these looks were shared.

"By the grace of Shaddam IV of House Corrino, ascendant to the Golden Lion Throne of Padishah Emperor of the known universe. I stand before you as Herald of the Change!" Finally the moment had arrived, Mileena thought.

"We are witnessed by members of the Imperial Court, representatives of the Spacing Guild, and a sister of the Bene Gesserit. The Emperor has spoken!"'Well get on with it.' Mileena thought to herself. Impatience was killing her slowly. "House Atreides shall immediately take control of Arrakis- and serve as its steward! Do you accept?"

'Accept it.' Mileena genuinely needed Leto to accept the offer. "We are House Atreidess. There is no call we do not answer, there is no faith that we betray. The Emperor asks us to bring peace to Arrakis. House Atreides accepts!"

"Atreides! Atreides! Atreides!" The Atreides army chanted. Mileena looked back at the Gentry military. Their faces seemed relieved. Relieved that they could finally get off of Caladan after so many years away from their wives, husbands, and children.

Leto walked down from the platform. Mohiam lit a candle and the way dripped onto the paper. Leto looked back at the faces of his family for reassurance. First to Mileena then to Paul. Paul gave a small nod. "Your seal." He was snapped back to the scene in front of his.

Leto stretched his finger then pressed into the already hardening wax. The Herald took the scroll, "So it's done?" Leto questioned. "It is done." The Herald walked past exchanging last minute looks with the Gentrys.

Elias hated the weak feeling he felt being in the presence of the Emperor. The Emperor himself wasn't there but the Gentrys knew he was watching one way or another. Elias hesitated but began to start a Gentry chant, "Gentrys!" Elias bowed mockingly at the Herald.

"Gentrys! Gentrys! Gentrys!" Their army began to chant. It was official, the Atreides were marching into their own death. The Harkonnen planet, the desert planet, the dune-ARRAKIS.

 The Harkonnen planet, the desert planet, the dune-ARRAKIS

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stakedheart notes.
publishing this from school!
it wasn't proof read please
forgive me!

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