[ 09 ] A Taste of a Traitor's Greatest Weapon Before you Knew

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"Mileena Emersyn Gentry served two years on Wallach IX. She eventually finished her training on her fifthteenth birthday after being homeschooled by her mother's reverence, Florus Winifred Castelo. She was labeled as a, 'bene gesserit of hidden rank,' on record."

"A HUNTER seeker?" Mileena argued with Yueh. "Sloppy!"

"I hoped it'd be quicker for the Young Master."

"You're lucky that Harkonnen agent was there at the perfect time! We would've been dead."


"We!" Mileena said a final time, slammed Yueh's office door behind her.

It had been at least twelve hours since the assassination attempt on the Young Master Paul Atreides. Meetings were arranged back to back in the Arrakeen Palace. They were basically on a lock down. All servants, natives, and royals were bound to their chambers with extra protection until further notice. All Guards-Gentry or Atreides- were on active duty.

"Princess." A guard greeted as Mileena waited patiently at the door of Paul. The guards were dressed in the regular uniform; Gentry green uniforms, silver snakes embroidered into the collar, silver cufflinks with a cobra much like on her ring.

The dark green in their uniform made their silver weapons on their belt stand out much more. "I've been sent by the Lady Jessica. Just to check in nothing more." The guards gave eachother a look before cracking the door.

Paul was sound asleep after taking a sedative. "Bless the maker." Mileena bowed her head to Paul, speaking the Bene Gesserit language. She moved her head out the door allowing the guards the shut the door, a long bang echoed across the halls.

For a while she stood at his door resting her head on it. Paul was sneaky, he probably had faked being sleep. But she didn't hear no signs of movement and he continued to snore. She smiled to herself before finally leaving the hall which the family chambers were on.

Mileena was back to training for the first time in months. Mileena felt she'd gotten too comfortable on Caladan, forgotten the Bene Gesserit way. The attack on Paul proved that. She should've been prepared to defend even if it meant losing her life to a hunter seeker. Instead she depended on Thufir Hawat and his men's security of the Palace. 'Never again.'

When Mileena opened the door of her training quarters she noticed the back turned of a thin woman. That woman had been lady Jessica. Her hair was tied back inside a ponytail. She had been arranging the training equipment. "M'lady." Mileena bowed her head despite having a Ben Gesserit rank higher than the woman.

Jessica had been turned to a wall, admiring a Gentry painting, hands behind her back. "An assassination attempt was made on my son. You failed to protect him." Her voice was cold, unrecognizable.

"I did my best-"

"I do not blame you." She turned around. "We could've lost both of you and I couldn't live with myself if that happened. I told you once and I will tell you once more, you are family." Tears pricked the eyes of the traitor.

Mileena remained silent, avoiding the gaze of Jessica. "Paul tells me you're an extraordinary fighter, so did Mohiam. Trust, that's a compliment coming from her." Jessica began to recite Mileena's records. "Trained by Reverend Florus Winifred Castelo. Graduated with one of the highest ranks before Reverend Mother."

"You could've been a spy. Yet you choose to
please your father. A woman of the people, aren't you?"

"Anything but."

"Prove me wrong. Prove to me that you live up to the Wei title, 'Trained to kill.'" Jessica flipped her knife in hand, charging to Mileena's throat. Mileena dodged the woman immediately, however she fell to the floor out of shock. The girl grasped at her neck checking for injury.

Jessica laughed to herself, "Maybe I overestimated you." She placed her weapon down on the table.

Mileena balanced herself and clung onto the wooden table. She looked at the selection of weapons. Without a thought Mileena grasped hold a palm size knife, something easily concealed.

Jessica must admit she didn't see it coming. The knife was close to being lodged into her shoulder but the speed of her blade failed to penetrate Jessica's shield. Jessica swung her fist backwards but Mileena ducked before kneeing the woman in her back.

Then and there Jessica knew Mileena's fighting style just from her precise form, she was good with her legs. Jessica fell to her knees, unknown to Mileena the woman had grabbed a weapon in the process. Jessica swung her left hand backwards slicing Mileena's ankle cleanly; which bought her time to get up.

Jessica switched her knife to her right hand. Jessica's mistake was thinking the injury would leave Mileena vulnerable. Instead while on the ground, Mileena would do a leg sweep.

Jessica's breathing was left unsteady as she caught off guard. She wouldn't give the girl the credit. She would've easily beat her if she hadn't underestimated her. Jessica wouldn't risk another round though; Mileena had preformed good enough for today.

Mileena hadn't felt it at first until she walked to place her weapons down, leaving a trail of blood. Jessica quickly stood patting the girl's shoulder. "I'll fetch Yueh's doctors." Jessica spoke and moved quick.

" Jessica spoke and moved quick

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stakedheart notes.
filler 😉😉
• fun fact: some chapters
are combined with
old chapters I took
from my other scrapped Dune

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐒,  dune [1] ( BEING RE-WRITTEN.. )Where stories live. Discover now