Chapter One

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Happy birthday!”

I blew out the candles, the big 3 melting fast and almost knocking the 0 out of its way. My friends clapped, snapping pictures of me in my pink tiara and my sparkling gold dress. That was the theme for tonight’s party: thirty, flirty, and thriving. And what better way to show the world you were thriving than a tight dress that rivalled the sun with its sparkles?

“How does it feel to finally be an adult?” Jess beamed at me as she cut the cake, serving everyone a slice. She picked icing off her finger and winked at me, her green eyes bright with humour.

“I thought I became an adult at 21.” I dug my fork into the slice, savouring the taste of chocolate on my tongue.

“Please,” Amira scoffed, taking a sip of her soda. “The twenties are an extension of your teenage years. You’re still young, stupid, and flailing about. Thirty is where the fun begins.”

“And the back pain.” Casey nodded, her lips a grim line. “Prepare for lots of lower back pain.”

“I think I got that covered already.” I giggled at their antics, lifting my glass of champagne in the air to toast with them.

“To Nova, the baby of the pack. Welcome to your thirties bitch!” Jess cheered, and the rest of them mirrored her enthusiasm.

The restaurant they chose for my birthday party was on the top floor of a high-rise building in one of the most sophisticated areas of New York. It welcomed guests of various influences, including CEOs, heirs to unimaginable wealth, A-List celebrities, and such. Reservations took about four months to book, but thankfully, Amira was one of those heirs that had a standing table at “Lux” along with almost any place worth mentioning in New York.

“This cake is delicious.” Casey moaned in appreciation, and Amira laughed at the strange looks we were getting from the closest tables.

“It is,” Jess agreed. She snapped another picture, no doubt compiling gorgeous shots of our night to post on her social media later on. While Amira was born into generational wealth, the rest of us weren’t so lucky. We all wanted the high life and went about it in different ways. Jess chose the glamour of being a content creator, succeeding in achieving astronomical numbers in just a few years. Casey made a name for herself by becoming an author, her fantasy books flying off the shelves. And while we all struggled sometimes to get to where we were today, our friendship was all the stronger for it.

“So, Nova, how is that hot neighbour of yours? Any changes?” Amira leaned back in her chair, her black hair cascading in waves down her shoulders.

“Still convinced he’s a vampire?” Jess winked at me, and I rolled my eyes in response.

“I know I shouldn’t have told you guys that.”

“To be fair, you were drunk that night, so we won’t hold it against you.” Casey rubbed my back mockingly. “I have to say, though, that would make a great idea for a book. Do you mind if I steal it?”

“Knock yourself out,” I said, pushing a strand of red hair out of my face. “Just make sure you credit me for my delusions.”

“Done.” She nodded, extending her hand for me to shake.

“Why don’t you just talk to him?” Jess asked as she scrolled through her phone.

“And say what, exactly? “Hey, I know this might sound weird, but I’m fully convinced that you’re a vampire. Want to have dinner?”

“That might work!” Amira giggled.

“Just make sure he doesn’t have you for dinner,” Casey said, making a biting motion with her mouth.

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