Chapter Nine

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“So, you mean to tell us,” Jess said, her eyes boring into mine with intensity. “Your neighbour took you out on a date. You kissed and slept together, and we’re only hearing about this four days later?”

“There wasn’t much sleeping involved, according to her!” Casey shrieked, looking around us at the crowded coffee shop and sparing a few customers a sheepish look.

“Honestly Nova, what were you thinking?” Amira chastised, her long black locks fanning around her face as she leaned in closer to whisper. “You should have told us the second you parted ways with him.”

“Right?” Cass’s eyes were as wide as saucers, her cheeks flushed and her hands flailing about. “What’s the point of being friends if we can’t gossip about your sex life?”

I rolled my eyes, an amused smile on my lips. When Jess had called us earlier today to confirm our bi-weekly weekend brunch, I had gotten a tad excited to share the news with my closest friends. I had no one else to talk to. My parents lived out of state — not that I would tell them about that anyway — and I didn’t have any sisters to gossip with, so these brunches were sacred to me. I had expected a similar reaction when I dived into the story, omitting a few key details pertaining to the supernatural nature of my neighbor or the fact that I was his Fated, but this was a bit too much.

“I’m glad you’re all taking this so well.” I sighed, leaning back into the plush green velvet sofa. My index finger circled the rim of my mug, my mocha latte already half gone.

“So?” Jess asked, a perfectly shaped brow arched as she looked at me above the rim of her mimosa. “Are you going to do it again?”

The question caught me off guard. Was she talking about the date, the kiss, or all that came after? I swallowed, licking my lips as memories from that night rushed to my mind’s eye. By the way Lucien held me, whispering over and over that I belonged to him and that he would never let anyone take me away from him, I doubted that would be our last encounter. Finally, I wasn’t at risk of being ghosted again.

“That smile is enough of an answer,” Casey scoffed, shoving a half-eaten croissant in her mouth. “I swear, Nova,” she spoke with a mouthful of pastry, “if you hold back on us again I will personally hunt you down.”

Amira giggled, passing her a napkin. “Easy, Cass. Don’t choke.” She turned to me then, brown eyes filled with kindness. “Do you like him?”

I took a second to think about it. After that night at the cliff, Lucien had made it his mission to spend time with me every night. He would come over to my apartment, expensive wine and gorgeous flowers in hand, and we would talk until I fell asleep in his arms. The moments were simple, quiet, just the way I loved them. And though I knew my blood still affected him greatly, he never attempted to feed from me again. His effort made me happy, for all I knew, he didn’t have to do any of that. But he did nonetheless, subjecting himself to agonizing torture just to be with me.

“I do.” I nodded. My chest warmed at the thought, the idea of being with him making butterflies erupt in my stomach.

“And you don’t think you’re moving too fast?” Jess’s question made me wince. I had thought about the fact that although I had lived across from him for three months, Lucien and I have only talked twice before things got serious. In fact, all of this whirlwind romance took place in just under a week.

“She’s not marrying him for fuck’s sake.” Casey slapped Jess’s arm, rolling her eyes at the question. “Let the girl have some fun, she deserves it after all of those shitty dates.”

No, I wasn’t marrying Lucien any time soon, that much was true. But I wonder if Casey would have the same response if she knew that I was his Fated and that our souls were bound together for all eternity. Something told me she wouldn’t be so nonchalant about it.

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