Chapter Three

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Sunlight filtered through my window, and I groaned as I shielded my eyes with my hand.

My head was still pounding, and the brightness was not helping. I sat up in bed, pushing a hand through my hair and looking around.

“Didn’t I close that last night?” I muttered, shivering from the cold morning breeze. My curtains danced softly with the wind, and I wondered if I had hallucinated last night completely. I pushed the covers off of me and shuffled to the window, closing it with one swift move. Rubbing the remnants of sleep away, I headed to the bathroom to get ready. I stared at my reflection in the mirror while I brushed my teeth. My red hair was a bird’s nest on top of my head, my green eyes still half closed. I rushed through my skin care routine, eager to eat something and take some painkillers for this pounding in my head.

“How much did I drink last night?” I wondered, pouring myself a cup of coffee. My toast was ready within minutes, and as I settled into my living room, I finally had a chance to check my phone.

“Did you get home safe?” Amira asked in the group chat, her text unread since 2 a.m. I sighed when I remembered the events of last night, setting my coffee mug down to type a response. It was around 11 in the morning, and I figured the girls would be awake by now.

“Well, about that…” I launched into a detailed explanation of the events that took place after I left the restaurant, from the two men who grabbed me to my neighbour saving me, and as soon as I hit send, a FaceTime call with all members of the chat lit up my phone.

“What the hell, Nova?” Casey asked, her eyes wide and her face bright red. “Why didn’t you tell us this last night?”

“She must have been in shock, Cass. Give her a break.” Amira reasoned with her.

“How are you feeling?” Jess asked. “Do you want us to come over?”

“I’m okay, don’t worry.” I reassured them, taking a bite of toast. “Lucien got there just in time.”

“Oh my god, this is totally the beginning of a burning romance. The damsel in distress being attacked, the hot, sexy hero saving the day.” Casey practically swooned over the phone. Jess and Amira laughed at her antics. Sometimes, it seemed that everything in the world is novel material for Cass. “You’ll be married in no time,” She continued, unaware of the grimace on my face.

“I may have ruined every chance of that happening.”

Casey’s smile dropped from her face, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. “What did you do?”

“I-” I cleared my throat, clueless as to how I could go about this.

“Nova?” Jess prompted, clearly as impatient as Cass was.

“I may or may not have told him that I thought he was a vampire.” I spit the words out so fast a part of me hoped they didn’t catch them.

“What the fuck?” Casey shrieked, her eyes the size of saucers.

“So, the guy saves you from being mugged or worse, makes sure you get home safe, and to thank him, you accuse him of being a fictional monster.” Amira summed up, and all I could do was nod in agreement.

“Pretty much, yeah.”

“What were you thinking, Nova?” Jess rolled her eyes.

“I wasn’t!” I argued, throwing my hands in the air. “I was drunk, high on adrenaline, and potentially traumatized. My brain wasn’t working right.”

“Any chance he might have found that endearing and quirky?” Amira pondered.

“He slammed the door in my face without a word.”

“I guess not,” Jess mumbled.

“Oh my God.” Casey ran her fingers through her hair, blond locks flowing down her shoulders so elegantly after a night out. I was jealous, mine looked like I had been homeless for a while.

“Well, at least you still have Mark.” Amira smiled, her dimples shining through the camera. “Have you heard from him recently?”

“Not since our date last week.” I shook my head. “He hasn’t answered any of my texts either, before any of you tries to accuse me of being too dry.”

“Damn, this is the third one this month.” Jess grimaced.

“Maybe you really are cursed.” Casey clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth.

I had brought that idea up after two guys I went out with ghosted me completely, but the girls had dismissed it almost immediately, saying that I just needed to find the right guy. But after my date with Mark _a date I was convinced went super well because we hit it off immediately and had a blast together_ they were starting to come around. I guessed three guys disappearing on me after our first date constituted curse material.

“I’m sorry your night was ruined, babe,” Jess said, her smile sad.

“Next time, one of us is definitely driving you home.” Amira nodded once, determined to keep her word. She was always the more mature one. At 33 years old, she took her role as the mom of the group very seriously.

“Let us know if you need anything, okay? We’re always a text away.” Jess said, and the other two nodded in agreement.

We said our goodbyes soon after, and I finished my simple breakfast and took some painkillers. I glanced at the front door, a sigh of remorse echoing through the house. My one chance at getting to know my mysterious neighbour and I ruined it within seconds.

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