Chapter Six

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Back at my apartment, my world was spinning.

I had left Lucien’s — after a long debate about whether or not I should spend the night with him — feeling on top of the world. I was oddly happy to be right, knowing I wasn’t crazy for thinking that something was amiss with my neighbour. But most importantly, I was ecstatic. Everything about him felt right, perfect. I was so enamoured by him that even the knowledge that he thought I was his Fated did not freak me out. After a long dry spell followed by serial ghosting, it felt amazing to know that someone as beautiful and as intoxicating as Lucien saw me as his perfect match.

But now, as I dried my hair and got ready for bed, I couldn’t help but feel empty. He had insisted that I stay with him, saying that we were apart for far too long, but I refused. I couldn’t be near him knowing what my blood did to him. He was honest with me, something I appreciated greatly, and revealed that as long as I remained human, my blood would always have this effect on him. He was having trouble controlling his thirst around me because he hadn’t fed today, so I sent him off on a mission to keep him satiated. He agreed, gingerly, promising not to bring any more girls into his apartment. He had cleared that up too, telling me there was nothing sexual going on between them, but I felt better knowing that I wouldn’t have to see them anymore. I wasn’t entirely sure about the rest of it, though. It was clear from his explanation that he expected me to become a vampire at one point. He didn’t push me into deciding, nor did he suggest I consider that outcome. He only hinted at a potential transformation.

But was I ready for something like that?

Was I willing to change everything about me and my life for a guy I barely even knew? Yes, there was no denying the visceral reaction he elicited out of me. I was incredibly attracted to him, that much was clear, and spending just a couple of hours with him made me realize how badly I wanted him in my life. Whether those were my own feelings or the natural result of this bond he spoke of, I didn’t know.

I sighed, pulling the covers over me and settling into my bed. Tomorrow, I would consider every possible outcome, but for now, I needed sleep.

The ridiculousness of my situation hit me even harder the next day as I walked into the gym. I had spent the entire morning questioning the events of the previous night. Was it all a weird dream that my deprived brain had conjured for me? Had I finally gone crazy? Did I lose all sense of self-preservation and all shreds of survival instincts that I just stood there as fangs poked out and eyes turned red and a full-grown man told me he was a vampire?

Inside, the receptionist smiled as she handed me my key, and I couldn’t help but remember the look on her face as she stared at my trainer last night. I placed my belongings in the locker and headed for the training room where Eli stood, legs spread, arms crossed, waiting for me. I took a few seconds to look him over; I wasn’t going to deny the fact that he looked breathtaking, but somehow I couldn’t help but compare him to Lucien, and he didn’t even come close.

“Good evening, Nova.”

Something about the way he said my name raised the same alarms in my brain that I ignored last night. I didn’t know what it was about him, but I couldn’t help the suspicion that zapped through me every time he smiled at me. I shook my head slightly, reminding myself that not every man was the enemy and that I didn’t need to be paranoid every second of every day.

“Hey, Eli.” I smiled as I put my boxing gloves on, extending my left hand for him to help me secure the glove.

“How are you?” he asked.

“Good, how about you?”

“I’m great, thank you. Should we get started?”

I gave him a brisk nod, and we launched into our set of exercises. It felt great, all of the tension in my body vanishing the minute I started pushing the big sack of sand. Eli made sure to correct my form whenever I needed, reminding me to protect my face and to change my aim whenever I lost concentration. He then switched me over to sparring with him in our second hour, taking every hit I sent his way like the master that he was.

“You did great today.” Eli patted me on the shoulder softly, passing me my water bottle with his other hand.

“Thank you,” I gasped, out of breath from the workout and the drinking.

“I’ll see you up front.”

I hit the showers, eager to get the sweat off of me. I loved working out, exercising kept me focused and cleared my mind, but I hated sweating so much, it irritated me beyond belief.

By the front desk, Eli was leaning forward, chatting with the receptionist who once again had a vacant look in her eyes and a dumb smile on her face. I rolled my eyes, handing her the keys back, and hoping to god that I didn’t look like that when I was staring at Lucien.

“Have you thought about our conversation last night?” Eli turned to me, pushing a lock of black hair out of his eyes.

“Hm?” I blinked, wondering what he meant.

“About increasing your lessons.”

“Oh.” I cleared my throat. I had completely forgotten about that, given the revelation that crashed into my reality only an hour later. “I have so much going on in my life right now,” I said, licking my dry lips. Like finding out that my next-door neighbour was a vampire and that I’m actually his Fated. “I don’t think I can make it work.”

His eyes dimmed in what seemed like disappointment, but I didn’t let it get to me.

“Alright, then. I’ll see you next week.”
I waved at him, exiting the gym with a sigh. It was even colder than yesterday, and I zipped my jacket all the way up to keep the sting of the wind at bay.

“About time.” Lucien’s voice brought me out of my thoughts, and I spun around to see him leaning over my car. His smile was so bright, it made my heart ache. His eyes were shining under the streetlights, his gaze focused completely on me despite the half a dozen girls who were staring at him from across the parking lot.

“Hey! What are you doing here?” I asked as soon as I was in front of him, and he immediately wrapped his arms around me. He smelled amazing, and he felt so warm, so right, I couldn’t help but wonder what had me so worked up this morning.

“I came to pick you up.” His voice rubbed deep in his chest, thick with what I hoped was desire and not bloodlust.

“How did you know I was here?” I pulled back slightly to look at him, smiling despite my confusion.

“I know everything about you.” Lucien said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“ I have been watching you for the past three months.”

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