Chapter Eight

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CW: smutty scene ahead.

Lucien turned us around in one swift movement, his coat discarded on the rocky terrain as he sat me on the hood of my car. He stood between my legs, his lips never leaving mine as he continued to kiss me like I was the most precious thing he had ever touched. It was by no means a soft caress, on the contrary, it was rough, needy, desperate, and I loved every second of it. His hands roamed my body freely, mine sliding up and down his muscular chest, fumbling with the buttons of his silk, black shirt. His fangs scraped my lower lip just as I unbuttoned the very last one, and the guttural sound that left me would have been mortifying if I had any shame left in me.

Lucien smiled against my lips, his hands sliding under my clothes to caress my back softly. He leaned back, scarlet eyes trained on me, covered in a haze of lust and need that mirrored my own.

“I don’t think I can stop myself if we go any further, little fox.” His whisper was hoarse, sending delicious shivers up and down my spine. My breath was caught in my throat at the intensity of his gaze and words, that my chest rose rapidly against his.

“Then don’t.”

I didn’t know what came over me, I didn’t care that we were in public, or that anyone could walk by and see us. I didn’t mind the fact that Lucien and I only knew each other for a short period of time. Nothing and no one in the word mattered more than the god of a man who was standing between my legs, threatening to unravel the very fabric of my soul.

Lucien’s smile only widened in response, his hands moving from my back to my waist. He dipped his face towards mine again, another explosive kiss tearing a whimper out of me, before he unbuttoned my jeans in one delicate move. He lifted me up with one hand, the other bringing my pants down all the way to my knees. He broke the kiss, looking at me once more for confirmation.

“Are you sure?”

I could only nod, afraid I was too incoherent to form a sentence that wasn’t a jumbled mess of words. It was enough for him as his lips collided with the soft skin of my neck, peppering kisses all around it. His right hand moved from my hip to the apex of my thighs, his thumb rubbing slow circles over the fabric of my underwear. The movement was slow, agonizingly so, and I threw my head back and moaned. His fangs scraped the soft spot under my ear, his tongue coming out to soothe the area right after. “Lucien…” His name was nothing but a soft breath carried with the wind of that late November night, and as I struggled to finish my sentence, to beg him to relieve the building tension in my core, his lips left my neck. I almost whimpered at the sudden loss, before I looked down.

Lucien was on his knees in front of me, his formidable body fitting between my thighs perfectly. His gaze was trained on me, the soft smile on his lips tantalizing as he pulled my underwear all the way down. He kissed up my thighs, his hands pushing me apart gently as he placed his face right at my entrance. The sound that left me as his tongue collided with my clit was ungodly, and I leaned back on my arms, palms spread out on the hood of my car as Lucien licked my slit, his movements slow and sensual.

Tension built, and built, and built, until it threatened to rip me apart from the inside as Lucien kissed, sucked, and licked at his leisure. My core was on fire, every nerve ending set ablaze as my vampire tore my pleasure right out of my very being. Stars exploded behind my eyelids, and my arms could no longer support me as my orgasm left me in a panting, moaning heap. I laid down completely, Lucien dragging me down by my hips so he could continue his delicious torture. He wasn’t done with me, that was evident as he brought one finger inside of me, pumping slowly as his tongue continued licking me with a vengeance. His moans were almost as loud as mine, his left hand locking my hip in a vice. Another finger joined in, and soon enough I was shaking once more, back arched against the car as Lucien coaxed another orgasm out of me. My breath came out in hitched bursts, my heart hammering in my chest and the blood roaring in my veins.

Above me, the stars were a bright silver against the black sky, and my vision came in and out of focus as my body came down from its high.

Lucien rose to his feet, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his broad chest. My hands rested over where his heart would have been If it were beating, and my eyes drooped close when he leaned in to kiss me again. I tasted myself on his lips, his whimpers sending another burst of tingles down my body.

“I’m not done with you yet, little fox,” Lucien said, his voice low and tantalizing. He smirked against my lips, pulling me even closer into him so I could feel the erection that poked my stomach. My cheeks heated up, my eyes never leaving his as I slid a hand down his chest and all the way to his hips. Even through the fabric of his dress pants, I could tell that he was big as I stroked him slowly, enjoying the way he closed his eyes and leaned into my neck. I unbuttoned his pants, shoving my hands down to grab him fully. He was thick, a drop of pre-cum coating the head, and Lucien kissed my neck as I circled my thumb around his tip. Pulling his clothes down, I positioned him right at my entrance, sighing when his erection teased my swollen lips. He pulled back, looking at me again with that familiar question in his red blood eyes. I bit my lip, rocking my hips against him in a silent confirmation, and smiled when he threw his head back and groaned into the sky. He placed his hands on my hips, pushing into me slowly, carefully, as if he was afraid to tear me apart. I wrapped my arms around his back, my fingers locking into his soft hair as he pumped into me. It was pure bliss as tension built in my core for the third time that night. Having him inside of me, hitting all the right spots perfectly, I never wanted this to end.

I closed my eyes when an unfamiliar sensation rose in my chest, a soft golden light coming into focus behind my eyelids. It grew brighter with every thrust, stronger with every stroke, and suddenly, it was all I could see. Lucien’s lips connected with my neck once again, only this time, he wasn’t kissing me. His tongue circled the spot right above my jugular, licking up and down. His warm breath against my skin left me shivering, his rhythmic movements almost sending me over the edge. His fangs came down on that same spot and I whimpered in anticipation as that bright light grew even more. He was going to bite me, and I was going to let him.

“I need you, Nova,” Lucien whimpered, his arms wrapping around my middle and his thrusts growing faster, more frantic. “Please, please, please.”

I was panting, his words making my core clench, his begging enveloped my mind in a haze of unadulterated pleasure.

“Please, Nova, please.” My name was like a prayer on his lips, and I had a feeling that there was nothing I wouldn’t give this man when he said my name like that.

“Take me,” I whispered, arms snaking under his shirt and fingernails digging into the muscle of his shoulders. “I’m all yours.”

His fangs poked my skin almost immediately, digging deeper and deeper with every thrust of his hips. I expected to feel pain, to scream in agony, to writhe around, but nothing prepared me for the unbridled euphoria that consumed my body from head to toe.

The golden light exploded behind my eyes, a single thread coiling around my heart. The thread stretched even further as Lucien drank from me, bursting out of my chest and into his. It circled his heart, and somewhere deep inside of me, I knew that that was the Fated bond snapping into place. It tied us together for all eternity, binding my Fated vampire to me, and I to him. Pleasure came to an explosive crescendo, every sense within me consumed with feelings of bliss, of fullness, of love. My soul soared with his as we came together, blending with the very fabric of the universe, merging into one in the great expanse of our very existence. The bright light faded, the gold line threading between the crevices of our souls blinked in and out.  As I opened my eyes, my chest full of nothing but bliss and our moans quieting down to a mere whisper, all I could see was the bright, scarlet eyes of my Fated.

“Mine,” Lucien whispered, wrapping me in his arms and cradling me on his lap. “All mine.”

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