Chapter Eleven

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I was floating.

I didn’t know where I was, who I was, what I was.

All I knew was darkness. It surrounded me from everywhere, a calm presence that kept me in a state of blissful unawareness. Nothing hurt. Nothing existed. Nothing mattered.

I continued floating for what seemed like forever, immersed in this heavenly state of non-existence, mind empty of all worries and soul feather-light. Was this the afterlife? Was I dead? Did I care?

All of my questions popped like air bubbles as soon as they materialized, swallowed by the darkness that promised to keep me safe, happy, tranquil. Little star-like lights began twinkling above me, drawing a smile from my lips. They looked beautiful, serene, and familiar. A memory tugged at the front of my mind, fighting the haze of peace on its way.

Stars twinkling in the vast expanse of a dark sky.

A cliff with a gorgeous view of a far away city.

Love like I’ve never experienced before.


His name popped into my brain just as fast as the rest of my memories, but the darkness swallowed it again, returning me to my former state of euphoria.
I had nothing to worry about here. Nothing mattered.



I wasn’t in any pain, that much I was certain of.

On the contrary, my body felt restored, strong, alive.

I had no idea how long I had been trapped in that darkness, but I couldn’t bring myself to regret my time there, because it felt better than anything I had ever experienced. But now, as I felt sounds rush back into my ear, blood coursing through my veins, thoughts invading my mind, I couldn’t help but wonder where I was and what happened to me. I struggled to open my eyes, the movement feeling foreign after not having a corporeal body for so long, squinting against the light. My room was dark, only illuminated by the yellow haze of the city streets, but even that felt like an assault on my senses. My ceiling came into view, its Popcorn like texture standing out to me in great detail. My chandelier, a blue and white assembly of six flowers, dangled above my head, a single spider web reaching from one flower to the next. Dust particles swam across my vision, a few landing on my blue rug. I sat up in bed, my movement jerky and abrupt, and a hand reached out to steady me.

“Easy there, little fox. Take it slow.”

Lucien’s face came into view, onyx eyes sparkling in the dark of my room. His shirt was torn, still covered in blood, and I scrunched my nose as the foul smell invaded my space. His hair was matted, his face covered in streaks of dried blood. His hands were around my waist as he sat opposite me on the bed, eyes scanning my face diligently. He still looked perfect, despite his state of disarray, and I could feel the Fated bond snap into place in my chest at the sight of him. It felt so comforting, familiar, and almost dizzying to have it back with such intensity, that I flew into Lucien’s arms without a thought. My hands flew to the back of his neck, holding him as close as I possibly could, and he swayed slightly before hugging me back. My eyebrows rose in confusion. Before, I could use all of my strength and he wouldn’t move an inch.

“How are you feeling?” He asked, voice thick with emotion.

I pulled back from the hug, looking at his worried face. I used my index finger to smooth the worry lines on his forehead, giving him a reassuring smile. Something poked my lower lip, and Lucien’s gaze flew to my mouth immediately.

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