chapter 44: Axel meets Axle

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As Axel went on his hike through the village, he couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart as he passed by a small house where a little boy, around 5 years old, was running joyfully in the green fields. The sight of the child reminded Axel of what he had lost, and he couldn't shake the thought of his own child who he hadn't seen in years.

Axel's mind raced as he continued on his journey. Being a computer technology wizard, he decided to channel his emotions into something productive. He envisioned creating an online marketplace where people could buy and sell items safely, naming it "Axle Market" in honor of the child who had stirred his heart.

As Axel poured his energy into building the platform, his online business began to flourish. People from all over the world patronized Axle Market, drawn to its user-friendly interface and commitment to safety. Soon, Axel found himself unable to manage the growing demand alone, and he began to hire staff to help him run the business.

Despite his success, Axel's heart still ached for his lost family. For five long years, he had wondered where his child and the love of his life, Iris, could be. As he reflected on his journey, Axel's thoughts kept returning to the little boy he had seen running in the fields earlier.

Driven by curiosity and a longing for connection, Axel approached the boy, his heart pounding with anticipation.

Axel: "Good morning, handsome!"

The boy turned to Axel with a bright smile.

Boy: "Good morning, handsome sir!"

Axel's breath caught in his throat at the boy's words.

Axel: "What's your name?"

Boy: "Axle."

Axel felt a surge of emotion at the name, realizing it was spelled differently but sounded the same as his own.

Axel: "And your father's name?"

Boy: "Axel too, but in a different spelling."

Axel's heart skipped a beat as he listened to the boy speak.

Axel: "Can you spell your name?"

Boy: "A-x-l-e."

Axel's hands trembled slightly as he asked the next question.

Axel: "And your father's name?"

Boy: "A-x-e-l."

Axel's mind raced as he processed the information.

Axel: "What's your mother's name?"

Boy: "Iris."

Axel's heart felt like it would burst as he heard the name he had longed to hear for so many years.

Axel: "Where is your father?"

Boy: "My mother said he is happy with his family now. My mom and dad were never married, so my mom decided to let him go. She didn't want to burden him and his family."

Axel's eyes filled with tears as he listened to the boy's words.

Axel: "Do you dream of meeting your father?"

Boy: "Yes, I do. I told Mom that someday when I grow up and we can afford the fare, we will visit her home country, the Philippines."

Axel's heart ached at the boy's words, knowing that he was the father the boy longed to meet.

Axel: "What did your mom say?"

Boy: "She agreed, but she told me not to be disappointed if my dad doesn't recognize me, or if it's better for me to just see him from a distance. She said I might cause trouble for his family."

Axel's chest tightened at the thought of his son yearning to meet him.

Axel: "What does your mother do for a living?"

Boy: "She's a dressmaker. We don't have much money, but sometimes people give us fish in exchange for dresses if they can't pay."

As Axel listened to the boy's story, he felt a deep sense of regret for not being there for him and Iris.

Just then, a woman's voice called out to the boy from a distance.

Woman: "Axle, baby, it's time for breakfast!"

The boy turned to Axel with a smile.

Boy: "Goodbye, Sir handsome!"

Axle ran off towards the woman, leaving Axel standing there, his heart heavy with emotion.

As he watched the boy disappear into the distance, Axel knew that he couldn't let this opportunity slip away. He had to find a way to reconnect with his son and Iris, to make up for lost time and be the father they deserved. With newfound determination, Axel set off on a mission to reunite his broken family and heal the wounds of the past.

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