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So we'll just go through some basic stuff about the ship and then I'll say my opinion on it...

Characters: Vee & The Cheerleader Girl (the fandom calls her Clara or Amber)
Canonical?: Fanon
Relationship status: Never met
Other ship names: Amisilisk, Veerleader, Veeleader, Lusity, Cheerlevee, Ambee

What do I think?:
I know a lot of ships were made just because they wanted another ship just like Lumity *cough* Boschlow *cough* but I feel this is pretty much copying that ship and slightly altering it because Vee disguised herself as Luz and the cheerleader, according to the fandom, looks a lot like season 1 Amity
Also, when it comes to the figh if what I think this cheerleader is actually called, I call her Clara since there is another character called Amber and it just gets really confusing

Thanks for reading, see you in the next chapter, byyeeeee!!!

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Thanks for reading, see you in the next chapter, byyeeeee!!!

TheFlittleOne's Opinions on TOH Ships Where stories live. Discover now