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If you'll be a bit confused in the storyline, feel free to let me know and I'll try to explain. But like that's valid cuz this is only the first chapter so~

Hope you enjoy reading!♡

"...You're beautiful." the dark-haired male sitting across Jisung in a fancy restaurant spoke up with a warm smile after finishing his dinner meal. The younger has also finished his meal. He raises his head slowly so that his dark boba eyes land on the males sharp ones.

Jisung fidgets with a sleeve of his pretty red sweater that his boyfriend chose for him to wear on this date. The corner of his mouth curls up before speaking. "Thank you." He says, quite unsurely. Looking at his boyfriends dark, styled hair. They look like there was more effort put into styling them in comparison with the other days they spend together. Here comes the olders look with his smile dropping slowly. He leans back in the chair. "...That's it..?" It's like Jisung said something wrong. He's upset. He's always upset.

The innocent boys eyes loose their sparkle right when he notices his boyfriends mood change quickly. He blinks nervously, clears his throat and looks down. "Well, thank you love. I appreciate it." He carefully looks up at the disappointed look on his boyfriends face and looks back down to not make it worse. A loud sigh is heard. Jisungs body tenses up uncomfortably at the sound.

The older crosses his arms. "Exactly this is what makes me sad, you know? You can't smile at me even tho I planned this whole dinner for us. Did I do all this for nothing? You make me feel disappointed, you know." The younger looks back up at him with a concerned face. "N-no that's not what I want you to feel like, I'm sorry-" "Maybe if you weren't always so unsatisfied with everything I do?!" He lets out another deep sigh. "Let's go home. Since you're obviously not enjoying this." The boy feels terrible. Guilty. His boyfriend stands up from his seat and goes over to the smaller boy. He takes him by his wrist so he also stands up so they can leave.

He grips his small wrist effortlessly and sort of lifts him up from the seat. The boy keeps looking down as he's now standing up. The taller wants to leave now. He takes a step forward but Jisung continues standing there. Like he's frozen. His eyes dart back to the boy that he's trying to lead out of the restaurant. "What the hell are you doing-" "I wanna use the bathroom Do-hwan..."

Name: Woo Do-hwan

   Name: Woo Do-hwan    Appearance:

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The said male rolls his eyes. He then turns back and looks for a bathroom.

When they get to a bathroom. Do-hwan stands in front of it and looks at Jisung. "Go ahead then." The smaller nods and enters the bathroom. It's clean and nice-looking. There's a pleasant scent due to the air fresheners.

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