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So, the chapters are not gonna be uploaded every single day as I don't have much time for it like I originally thought but- yes enjoy reading♡

  After school, Hyunjin made everyone, besides Bangchan who had stuff to do, go shop for clothes with him for Felixes birthday party since he wants everyone to look good for Felixes special day. The four boys are walking around town, searching for decent clothing stores. The silver-haired boy finds shopping boring. He groans as he drags his feet around the streets, following hyunjin around. "Hyunjin, is this really necessary? It's not like I don't own clothing for parties you know?" The tall male rolls his eyes before he turns to the one complaining. "I don't believe you. And, my fashion sense is- I'd say more advanced than yours. Trust me, I just wanna help." Hyunjin cracks up at his own statement. Felix laughs. "He's right Ji!" The boba-eyed boy looks at both of them in disbelief. "Oh wow, thanks. Whatever then. I suppose you can choose my outfit." A smile appears on the tallest males face.

After some time of searching for a great clothing shop, they come across one affordable and good-looking one. They enter the store full of fancy but affordable clothing. "Look around. Felix, I'm choosing your outfit." The tallest utters. Jisungs brother smiles at the taller, noticing he seems excited.  "Oh, right. Yea, go ahead. I can see that you enjoy doing this so-" Before Felix gets to finish his sentence, Hyunjin hopps off to search for some clothing that would fit his friend. The puppy boy giggles at the sight of Hyunjin looking so excited. Jisungs brother Felix speaks up. "I'll go catch up with him before he picks something ridiculous." Seungmin nods and then turns to Jisung. "Do you wanna look for something then?" The squirell shrugs. "I guess? I don't think it's all about the outfit tho."

The two of them start wandering around the store, looking through all sorts of clothing brands and such. "I know it's not." Seungmin notices the uninterested expression on his friends face so he then smirks at him. "Do it for Hyunjin?" The silver-haired boy groans in response. "Hate that guy." He says sarcastically but still kinda means it. He's all up in his brothers business all the god damn time.

Jisung reaches out for a grey sweater. "Hey, this looks fine-" "DON'T YOU DARE" The squirell boy flinches and turns around to Hyunjin who just yelled at him with Felix laughing behind him. "We're going to a party, not a funeral, jeez. Here, try this on." The taller hands Jisung a pair of grey-ish blue baggy jeans, a dark tank top and a beige mesh sweater to go on top.


Jisung stares at Hyunjin for a moment

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Jisung stares at Hyunjin for a moment. "You actually chose a whole ass outfit for me?" The taller just smiles and nods proudly. "Chose one for Felix too!" He utters and points at Felix who's already holding the pieces of clothing picked out by Hyunjin in his arms. Jisung snickers. "I'll try it on then. Wait here." He then enters a dressing room where he'll try on the outfit.

Seungmin claps a little when he spots Jisung walking out of the dressing room with the outfit on, chosen by Hyunjin who's very proud of his pick. He gasps "Oh my god perfect. But wait-" Hyunjin walks up to the silver-haired boy and tilts the mesh sweater sort of to the side, so it's dropping off of the youngers shoulder. The tallest looks at Jisungs brother, who gives him a look of aprooval. The squirell boy looks at Felix. "Well, try on yours!" Hyunjin gets to talk right before Felix even prepares to take a breath. "Already did! And he looks amazing." The shorter black-haired male gives him a wide smile. "Thanks!" Seungmin speaks up after this little interaction between those three. "Well, I think we're all satisfied. Should we go pay?" The other three agree and go pay for the chosen outfits.

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