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Writing this as I'm laying in bed, waiting for Hyunjins birthday stream😀 even tho it's only 8AM in Korea rn🫠 (it's now been a week and 5 days since the bday stream and I watched it in class lmao😭here u can see how "often" i get back to writing this story ㅠㅠ I apologize🫠) Enjoy the story!♡

Lee know leads Jisung back into Felixes house where the whole party is hosted. "Come on now." The red-head has the drunk one hanging around his shoulders again. At least Jisung has came to his senses a little more after he got some of the fresh air from outside. "Where's Lix? I wanna talk to him!" The younger slurs out his words again. The older sighs as a reaction to Jisung quite literally yelling in his ear. "We'll find him."

When the two enter the party again, it's same as before they left. Loud music is blasting and there's colorful lights shining and reflecting in the silver decorations. Lee know is looking around the crowded room, searching for the puffy cheeked boys brother. "Where the fuck is he?" As the taller mumbles to himself, he spots Hyunjin in the crowd. He's leaning over a wall...? The red-head tries his best to get to the tall male as quick as possible so he can get rid of the drunk squirell boy already. He's quite dizzy himself.

Lee know pushes past all the people that are in his way and pats the tallers shoulder to get him to turn his way, so he can ask about Jisungs brother. He yells out to Hyunjin so he's able to hear him properly. "Hyunjin, have you seen Felix-"

The red-heads eyes widen when Hyunjin turns around to show Lee know exactly where Felix is. He's with his back against the wall that the black-haired male was leaning against. The shorter slowly takes his gaze off of Hyunjin who's now smirking at his other friend that's currently got his brother over his shoulders. He makes a shocked expression with his mouth agape.

"Ji?" The brother tilts his head. Lee know looks at the dazed male he was looking for and yelps out. "I'm over here taking care of your drunk brother if you care!" The taller black-haired male slides his hands back around the shorters waist as he's attempting to pull him in to get more of whatever they we're doing before Lee know got to them. "Uh, could you just please take him upstairs or something? I'd be grateful!" Jisungs older brother utters before Hyunjin gets to kiss the shorter. The red-head then makes a disgusted expression and rolls his eyes before quickly walking away to get the sight of his two friends making out, out of his face.

"Why the fuck do I have to take care of my friends drunk-ass brother?" Lee know complains as he makes his way to the stairs that lead to the upper floor to just finally get it over with. The older looks at the stairs and then at the younger who's around his shoulders. He gets his lips close to Jisungs ear so he can hear him through the blasting music. "Can you walk up those stairs?" The drunk boy looks at the older with slightly closed eyes and shakes his head. "Didn't think so." Lee know puts his arm around Jisungs back and lowers himself down a little to reach for the boys legs. The older who's already pissed off then picks Jisungs body up so he can carry him upstairs.

Minho does exactly that and lets Jisung stand on his own feet again after carrying his weak body up the stairs. Up there is only a few people chatting or making out in the hallway with some doors along the walls. The taller is now only supporting Jisung by his arm being wrapped around his waist as they walk. He's going around the doors, looking for one room that isn't locked. Finally, one of the doors open and he walks in with the drunk male.

Lee know closes and locks the door after entering the said room. It's a simple looking bedroom. One bed, a vanity desk and a closet. The taller places his hands on Jisungs shoulders from behind and sort of pushes him so he walks up to the bed and lays down. The shorter stops in front the bed. Lee know turns his body around so his back is facing the younger. "Sit. Or lay down, I don't care. Just let me breathe for a second." Jisung sits down on the edge of the bed, leans back against the bed with his arms and lets his head drop back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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