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I've been writing this chapter over the course of three days so I hope it will make sense lmao.

Enjoy reading!

   Jisung finally gets to his small, comfortable apartment home after his long day full of confusion and stress. He enters the hall of his home and locks the white door behind him. The boy sighs and takes off his shoes. Red sweater still in hand. The sweater from his boyfriend. That he chose. Gosh... His feet drag him in his living room where he throws the mentioned sweater over his beige couch that's in front of a glass coffee table. The silver-haired boy walks into his bedroom where there's only a bit of light coming through from the living room. He looks at a bed table set next to his bed. His eyes trace up on his digital alarm clock. "God fucking- damn, 1:40 AM? I just wanna sleep already." His fingers rub his tired eyes before he takes off his oversized t-shirt. Only to look at himself in his full body mirror and reveal another bruise or two traced on his waist and back. The boy, being used to them already, just continues taking off his clothes to put on something comfortable to sleep in. He slides on some gray shorts and- that's it actually. As he's too lazy to search for any t-shirt or hoodie right now.

Jisung brushes his teeth and then passes out in his bed, slightly right after lying in it. He's in a position where he's cuddled up to his blanket and his bare back is facing a wall and- his mouth is slightly agape. The boy finally gets the very much needed sleep.
Jisung breathes in sharply through his nose and furrows his eyebrows at the sound of his phones alarm clock screaming in his ear. "mhh." He groans and blindly pats around his bed in attempt to find and snooze the alarm on his phone. And um, fails. "Bruh." The puffy cheeked boy shifts his body upwards as he's leaning with his elbow towards the bed and pulls out the phone from wherever the most annoying sound in the world is coming from. From under his pillow. He then finally succeeds to turn off the alarm and rubs his forehead after doing so. It's 6:45 in the morning and Jisung has school to go to since he's a Junior in college.

After Jisung rethinks his life choices, he decides to get up. (me too Jisung me too.) His bare feet reach the cold wooden floors. He rubs his eyes as he stands up and looks in the mirror. Seeing those same bruises just like before. But also- seeing his messy ass hair. "what the fuck.." the still pretty tired boy mumbles to himself with a raspy morning voice after witnessing his early morning appearance in the mirrors reflection. He walks by the mirror to his bathroom and turns on the sink to wash his almost swollen face. Swollen, because he went to sleep late and had to wake up early.

The boy groans while drying his face with a white towel for his face. He then just quickly applies a moisturizer and walks to his closet to choose something simple and comfortable to wear. And so he does.

   (this is what Jisung wears.)


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