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Heyy I just got my nails done so it was a real struggle trying to type with them ㅠㅠ It always takes a bit before I get used to typing with these long nails😓😓 Anyways, enough of me yapping, enjoy the story~

Some time has passed since Do-hwan left Jisung sobbing in the alleyway. The silver-haired boy just thinks about what happened these last couple months each time after his boyfriend got mad. He sadly always chose violence towards the boy.

Jisungs knees are raised to his chest with his head hanging down in his arms. Not even crying anymore. Just looking at the cold floor that he's sitting on. There's footsteps heard, sounding like they're coming towards him. They stop for a moment. "Tsk." These footsteps now actually head towards Jisung. "Idiot, Look at me." So Jisung raises his head to look towards where this familiar voice is coming from.


"Lee know?" Here's that annoying red-haired guy. He notices those slightly irritated eyes of his, figuring that he was most probably crying. The red-head sits down beside Jisung on the same cold floor. As expected, there's a cigarette in between those slim fingers of his. He takes a drag from it and releases the smoke to the opposite side from Jisung, not to bother the squirell guy besides him.

The boys look at eachother. Lee know jokingly offers his cigarette to the other, obviously expecting him to refuse. Oddly enough, the boy with puffy cheeks brings his mouth to the cigarette from between those slim fingers that belong to the one who offered it and takes a drag. "Oh-? I thought you said you don't smoke?" He coughs immediately after trying it, since he's not used to smoking at all. "Wow, now that's disgusting." The male with sharp facial features laughs at the boys reaction. "So you don't." Jisung looks at the male and sniffles. "Do I look like someone who smokes?" The boy says in a muffled voice. Lee know raises an eyebrow at that question. "What? I mean you never know if someone smokes- it's not about how you look." They both stay silent for a bit. "Why are you here?" The silver-haired boy speaks up. Lee know leans his head to the wall behind him. "Can't I?" The red-head looks at Jisung. "I didn't say that it's just- do you know me?." "No. Is that a bad thing? Tell me about yourself then." Jisungs eyes widen slightly. "...I'd rather not." Lee know shrugs and takes a drag from his cigarette.

"That asshole is your boyfriend?" Jisungs looks at Lee know in disbelief. "Excuse me? You don't even know him." The boy defends Do-hwan. "So I'm right?" Han looks away from the male besides him but  nods shortly after he asks. The red-head speaks up again "Is he the one you cried because of?" He patiently waits for an answer while looking at the cigarette between his fingers. Jisung realizes that Lee know obviously noticed and that there's no point in hiding it anymore. "Yea. Why?" The boy says as he sort of zones out. He's just looking forward. "I figured. I guess since he looked mad as hell while yall walked away." The silver-haired boy only watches his own fingers fidget with the sleeve of his own hoodie.

"Pfft." Huh? "I'll never understand why people stay in relationships with such idiots." Jisung rolls his eyes. "Well, then you've probably never been in a relationship. You don't even know what happened." Lee know giggles slightly. "I mean, what do you know. I used to date a lot. Not anymore tho. Mostly because I hate people and just need to be alone for at least a little while in my life." Jisungs mouth curls up into a slight smile. "You sound like a loner. Why are you sitting next to me then? Especially when you have no idea who I am." The red-head snickers at himself. "Good question squirrel boy. I mean there's nothing much to do other than ruin my lungs?" He then proceeds to take a drag from his cigarette right after. Jisung almost cracks up at this guys statement.

"And what about school? Don't you study?" "Oh yea, I'm a senior in college. And I'm doing well so- I'm fine. What about you?" Jisung is quite surprised at Lee know saying he's doing well. He doesn't really look like someone who cares about school that much. "Yea uhm, I'm a junior in college." The red-haired male nods slowly.

This convo seems pretty awkward between them but both of the boys don't really mind since Jisungs mind is still mostly focused on Do-hwan and Lee know is a type to not give a single fuck about anything, really.

The boys boba-eyes look up at the stars in the night sky. The sky isn't as empty now. There's stars. But only some of them are visible to the human eye. The boba-eyed boy slowly stands up, puts his hood on and looks at the red-head still sitting on the ground after standing up and balancing himself. "I'm gonna go now." Jisung doesn't feel the need to tell Lee know any reason to why he's leaving since they're still pretty much strangers. The red-head smiles and nods. The squirell boy bows ever so slightly and takes off to walk home.

    Jisung is now at home. Laying in bed. Staring at the ceiling and still thinking about whether he should or should not invite his boyfriend to felixes birthday party. The boy groans. "I don't know~." He places his hands over his face. He's still pretty sensitive because of what happened today. And the day before. A tear escapes his eye and he sighs. "Yea, fuck this." Jisung rolls over to his side and closes his eyes, deciding to sleep in attempt to get his mind off of things before he starts overthinking everything again.

-time skip-
-next day (friday), at school-

   "I'm excited for Felixes party tomorrow!" The puppy boy whispers to his silver-haired classmate in class. Jisung smiles and turns to Seungmin. "I was thinking about not inviting Do-hwan." "Oh, what?!" The teacher snaps his head towards Seungmin. "Do your work young man!" Seungmin apologizes but goes right back to asking questions. "So you don't wanna invite Do-hwan? Why?" Jisung shrugs. "It's just um... We've been arguing quite a lot lately." The puppy boy looks at Jisung in disbelief. "God, you should have told me! Is that why you've been acting so down lately? Oh Han." "Don't worry. I'm fine tho. I just think that I wouldn't get to enjoy my brothers birthday if I had Do-hwan on my mind in that way." "Yea, you're totally right. Just maybe take a break from him and see how it'll go?" The boba-eyed boy looks at Seungmin and gives him a smile. "I'll try it. Thank you Seungmin." The puppy also smiles and they both go back to doing their work.

Jisung thinks about what the red-head said to him about not leaving Do-hwan. Ugh. What do I do? The bell rings, and so everyone gets up from their seats, packs up and leaves. It's lunch time, so the students head to the schools canteen. A certain tall black-haired male standing in the line for lunch caught Seungmins eye. There's a shorter black-haired boy talking with him. "Oh, Hyunjin and Felix is here!" Jisung looks around and spots these two males in the line. His brother turns around. "Hey Ji! So, who you inviting?" The older asks. Seungmin looks at Jisung before he speaks up. "I'm inviting Seungmin and- that's probably it." Hyunjin looks at Felix, Felix looks at Jisung. "Does Do-hwan not wanna go?" The black-haired male asks his brother. "No um, I'm just- I didn't invite him so-. Long story." "Oh, alright then."

They boys all sit around a table together after getting their school lunch. Bangchan joins these four. They all eat while pretty much not talking. There's lots of voices heard from the canteen that belong to other students tho. Jisung fixes his gaze to look in front of him at his brother. "And who else did you invite?" Felixes lips curl up slightly. "Just some of my other friends. They go to a different school tho so, you wouldn't know who they are. Maybe you saw them through my ig story. One of them is like a specific blonde?" Jisung squints his eyes. "Yea I don't think I remember." "That's alright. Yall are gonna see eachother either way." Seungmin shoves into Jisung with his shoulder. "Show some excitement! New people, new friends?" The silver-haired boy then lets out a giggle "Yea, yea, I know."


Alright~ I apologize for making this chapter shorter than usual but I just want to fit whatever happens next in another chapter. Stay tuned👀

Thank you for reading!♡

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