We bond quickly. 14

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"She's a badass with a big heart".

-Next day At the undercover office-

"Imagine if our girlfriends were working with us ?" Matt said
"That will be fun! Wouldn't it?" Marco said looking through some files
"Yes! It would be" Matt said as he smiles big

"W-why you smiling like that?" Marco asked

"Let's train them and have them come with us in missions." Matt said

"Traning yes. Missions no. " Marco said laughing little

"You're right. Missions will be too much. We'll be left behind because of them..Training yes!!! So they can defend themself in this cruel cruel world" Matt said as he calls the traning agency

Marco laughs

Andrew walks up to them

"Hey guys." Andrew said as he gives Matt his food. And Marco's his. And lef Alex and Daniel food there

Matt waves and andrew and was still on the phone

"What is he doing?" Andrew asked Marco

"Calling the traning agency for the J's" Marco said

"That'll be good." Andrew said eating his burger

Marco nods and eat his burger also

"Okay! So the agency said we can bring them in tomorrow." Matt said eating his burger

"Food yes!!!" Alex said as he walks in so does Daniel

"Did lily like the traning process?" Marco asked Daniel

"Yes she did! She loved every min of it.. I can't sneak up behind her anymore." Daniel said laughing
Marco laughs
"What!dang!" Matt said
Andrew laughs
"The J's are gonna kick y'all butt !" Andrew said laughing

"Ya'll got to do that !!" Alex said laughing
"Steal J wallet again, she might flip you.." Marco said laughing

Alex coughs and drinks his soda
"Okay, I won't ." Alex said

Marco laughs
"Ya'll are in for a ride!" Daniel said laughing

"Let's do it Matt. " Marco said

Yes! Let's do it." Matt said

"Let the games begin!" Andrew said laughing

-With Jade and Jessica-

\\ Jade's pov//

Jessica and I started hanging out today.. we couldn't stop laughing we basically liked the same thing. We knew we were supposed to be the best of friends or even more sisters.. We went to a coffee shop next to our boyfriend building as we wanted to surpise them and the rest. As we were finished getting our coffee we made our way in the building

"Hey ladies!" Ben said waving

"Hey!" We said waving and saw the guys

"Hey babe!" Marco said kissing Jade

Jade kisses back
"Hi baby !" Jade said

"Hey hunny!" Jessica said kissing Matt
Matt kisses back
"Hey love!" Matt said

"Hey guys!" Jessica and Jade said smiling
"What were y'all doing ?" Alex asked

"Hanging out, with my twin flame!" Jessica said holding Jade's hand with a smile

"Twin flames... You and Jade?" Matt said with a smile

"Yes, we are." Jade said with a smile

"How come we aren't twin flames Marco?" Matthew asked

Marco laughs, holding on to Jade's waist

"Even better were brothers." Marco said

Andrew laughs

"Was lily working today?" Jade asked Daniel

"Yeah she is. But she gets off at 4 today.." Daniel said

Jessica checks her watch

"Almost.. Hey J,we should get going so we can get Madi and lily" Jessica said turning around facing Matt

"Wait where y'all going?" Marco asked looking at Jade

"Concert. Madi got us tickets. " Jade said with a smile

"What!! She didn't invite me!" Alex said

We all look at Alex

"I mean that's cool.." alex said

Andrew shakes his head laughing

"What concert?" Matt asked

"County concert, Sam hunt." Jessica said with a smile

"He has good music!" Andrew said

"Dang it !" Alex said

Marco brings Jade closer to him
"Are you coming over tonight after the concert babe?" Marco asked looking at Jade, grabs her waist

"Yes,I'll come home to you baby. I promise." Jade said putting her hand on his shoulder

Marco kisses Jade, and hugs her, Jade hugs back

"Please be careful my love. Call me if anything. I'll wait up for you " Marco said as he smiles
Jade smiles

"Okay baby,I love you. " Jade said as she smiles
Marco smiles
"I love you babygirl." Marco said

"Come on J. " Jessica said as she smiles

-The J's left to get Madi and Lily and went to the Sam hunt concert-

-Later on-
With the ladies at the concert○

Jade's pov//

Us ladies were at the concert, as we started singing with Sam hunt in the concert 'Take your time' As you hear the crowd as well. Jessica hugs me while we sang. I couldn't believe I was actually here. And I'm madi friend again and I met these two ladies that I call my friend also. I smiled as I sang, and enjoyed myself with them and Sam Hunt of course. As the song finished. Sam Hunt was getting ready to sing another

"Sing this with me !" Sam Hunt said to the crowd
'Make you miss me'.

"I'm make you miss me Sam Hunt!! Madi said singing

We laugh and hug Madi

After the concert, we went to go eat

Jade's text with Marco

Jade:Concert done, were gonna go eat now baby.

Marco: okay baby, I'm still up okay..

Jade: okay baby, be home in a few.

-After texting Marco, we ate and laugh and taklked . After that we all went home

-Marco's house-
"Hey baby!" Marco said with a smile

"Hey babe!" Jade said as she comes in and kisses Marco

We talked about the concert and went to sleep

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