Trying this.37

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-Next day-
Rodriguez house■

"Need any help Mom?"Jade asked as she smiles

"No, I'm okay J." Mom M said cooking

Lily was in Madi's arms

"She's coming to get Abby?" Marco asked Matt

"Yeah.Were gonna tell her so she'll know she'll be with me on week and weekend with her." Matt said

Marco nods

"I'm sorry your going through this bro." Marco said

Door bell rings

"Me too." Matt said going to the door and answers it

"Hey Matt.." Jessica said low

"Come in...she's with Marcus outside." Matt said

Jessica comes in and sees Jade and Madi and Lily in the kitchen with Mom M and Marco and Daniel in the living room with their dad..

Jessica waves and everyone and went outside with Matt

"Marcus, mind going inside?" Matt said

"Yes uncle Matt." Marcus said leaving

"Mom! You're here! We miss you." Abby said hugging Jessica

Jessica hugs Abby

"Baby, I need to speak to you." Jessica said to Abby

Matt sits down on the bench with Abby next to him, Jessica next to Abby

"What is it Mom?" Abby asked looking at her

Jessica looks at Matt and then back at Abby

"Mommy and Daddy are no longer together." Jessica said

Abby looks at them both

"What you mean?" Abby asked sad

"Mommy is with someone else. " Jessica said

Matt looks down sad, wiping his tears

"No Mom...this can't be happening!" Abby said sad

"I'm sorry baby." Jessica said with tears

Abby hugs Matt

Matt hugs back

"On the weekends your with mom. On the week your with me." Matt said

Abby nods

"Come on Abs, we will be going home." Jessica said

Abby looks down and went to tell everyone bye and left with her Mom.

"You ok bro?" Daniel asked

Matt nods

"Yeah I'm good bro." Matt said leaving to the bathroom

Daniel and Marco sights

"We said have to not smother him too much. "Madi said

Jade was holding Lily as lily was asleep in Jade arms. Jade sitting next to Marco on the sofa

"This seems to un real." Marco said putting his hand on Jade's waist

"It's a nightmare for Matt. It's un real for us." Daniel said

Matt sits down and sights

"What you think about dating?" Madi asked

"Not thinking of it of course." Matt said

"Too soon for now?" Marco asked

"I love her guys. Thanks for not looking at her differently." Matt said

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