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---At Marco and Jade house---

Jade's pov

I was asleep, as I felt Lily in my arms, and my head in Marco's arms, by lily it was Marcus asleep touching my hand. As Move close to Marco, he put his arm on my waist asleep.

-5 mins later we all woke up-

《Marco's pov 》
As we were all up, It was Saturday. Marcus and Lily were in the living room watching a movie. As Jade was in the kitchen making Pancakes and bacon and eggs..As I got into the kitchen to help her

"Babygirl?" Marco said softly as he put his arms around her waist and closes his eyes

"Hmm?" Jade said with a smile

"I miss this. You here." Marco said kissing her neck softly

"M-marco, no.. we have to make breakfast for the kids." Jade said with a smile,as a soft giggle comes out

"Okay okay,We will finish this." Marco said placing more kisses on her neck

Jade close her eyes, and softly moans as she almost let go of the spatula as Marco smirks and stops

"Careful Babygirl, don't wanna burn pancakes now." Marco said smirking

Jade shakes her head, and playful push him and finishes cooking breakfast

Marco laughs little and cooks the bacon

After we ate we were all on the sofa  sofa having family time.

Marcus,Marco,Jade,Lily on the sofa

"Dad?" Marcus said

"Hmm?" Marco said looking at the tv screen and touching Jade curls

"When will you teach me to shoot?" Marcus asked

Jade raised her eye brows and smile at Marco

"I- uh.. why would you want to learn now? Why not when you turn 14?" Marco said

"Because, I'm 9 Dad..It seems forever." Marcus said

Marco coughs and nudge Jade

"My love, just wait okay..on your 14 birthday you'll get the whole package of shooting and training." Jade said as she smiles

"Fine Fine Mom." Marcus said

"I wanna learn too Mommy!" Lily said smiling

"You my babe have to wait." Jade said as she kiss Lily forhead

"Not yet Lily, but I know y'all do great because it's in y'all blood to be the greatest like your mom and I." Marco said smiling

We all had fell asleep on the sofa
Marcus on Marco side, Jade on the other side of Marco side, with lily on Jade side.

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