Killing Lily's killer. 24

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Marco's pov

We found a safe house, as we told Mom and the ladies about it. They agree as we set the safe house comfortable for them.

"Mom, we need to speak to you." Marco said

Matt nodded

"Okay, what is it?" Mom M asked

"If anything happens. Prom- " Marco was going to finish when Mom M interrupted him

"Marcos. Don't you dare say those words. Y'all are all going to come back Alive. Those kids need their parents. You go and end this for the sake of those kids. Live for them when you are attack. You boys hear me !" Mom M said

Matt and Marco nods

"Yes mom." They both said

"Your father going to be here with me incase they find us. Y'all go and end this." Mom M said

With Jade and Marcus

"Mommy?" Marcus said sitting on the bed looking up seeing rain drops on the window

"Yes baby." Jade said fixing the toy bears

"Where you and Daddy going?" Marcus asked

"We are going to get some bad guys. But we need you and Abby to listen to Grandma and Grandpa okay..Protect Abby okay baby." Jade said sitting next to Marcus

Marcus hugs his Mom

"Please come back mommy. Daddy too." Marcus said with tears

"We will baby. Nothing can't stop us." Jade said hugging Marcus back and kiss his head

Marcus fell asleep on Jade, as Jade lay him on his bed and kiss his cheek, walks to the living room

"Hey bunny." Marco said hugging Jade

Jade hugs back

"Everything set up." Jade said

"Good." Marco said as he looks at Jade

"Babe,We are going to make it through." Jade said

Marco hugs Jade

"I know baby."Marco said kissing her, Jade kisses back

----Later on at the undercover unit----

"Hey J's." Madi said to them

"Madi!" Jade said hugging her

"I'm glad your coming with us. " Jessica said hugging her also

"Wouldn't let y'all go alone." Madi said

"Hey babe." Charlie said hugging Madi

Madi smiles and hugs back

Charlie leaves to set things up

"So that's still going on huh?" Alex said to Madi

"Shut up Alex,He makes me happy the way I guess I need." Madi said pushing him and walks to Charlie

Andrew and Alex laugh

"In a way she needs..hmm. " Andrew said laughing

"Whatever that is. " Alex said

"Come on guys.." Jade said to them

We were all next to eachother

"Whatever it is, we got make sure we don't let them break us. " charlie said

" what traning do you have for us.." Marco spoke

"Ladies! Y'all are first.. I have Zeek here to practice with y'all." Charlie said

Zeek waves

Marco and Matt nods their head

"Okay Jade. You're up." Charlie said

Jade smiles and walks up to the mat, and is across from Zeek

"Come babe!" Marco said Clapping his hands

"Let's go J." Jessica said

"Wait wait.. Jade? As in Ghostface?" Zeek said

Andrew laughs

"Good luck." Marco said laughing

"Not scared are you?" Jade said with a smile

"Umm.. I don't know Charlie. I heard scary stories what she done. " Zeek said

"I'll go easy on you. " Jade said rolling her eyes

"Come Zeek. Man up." Matt said

"Fine, no one gives her a weapon."Zeek said

Andrew and Marco laughs

Zeek run to Jade, as Jade jumps on his shoulder lands on the other side on her feet

"Damn." Marco said smiling

Jade jumps on Zeek, as Zeek grabs her push her down on thr ground

Marco was about to go on the mat, as Matt and Andrew hold Marco back

"She has to do this alone incase your not around." Matt said

"She's okay bro. Have faith in her bro." Andrew said

"Okay, that was harsh. Sorry J" zeek said

"Oo don't apologize. " Jessica said laughing

Jade runs and kicks Zeek in the stomach and hits him in the throat

Zeek started coughing

"He took Marcus and killed Marco Jade..what you going to do ." Charlie said

Jade was hurt as she runs up and punches Zeek face, she held a imagery knife got on zeek was pretending to stab him

"Theres ghostface.." Andrew said nudging Marco

Marco laughs

"Okay Jade." Zeek said scared

"Jade enough.." Marco said

Jade gets off and smiles

"Thanks Zeek.." Jade said as she moves to Marco

Marco holds onto Jade

"As long creed not here..Were good ." Zeek said nervous

Jessica raised her hand

"I'm over here!" Jessica said smiling

"Good Gosh." Zeek said

Andrew laughs

"Zeek, come on. " Matt said

Zeek and Jessica started fighting

After Madi and Zeek started fighting


Jade was putting stuff in her bag as she hears foot step coming closer, as the put their hand on her shoulder, she grabs the hand flip them over as she looks down and gasp

"Babe!" Jade said looking at Marco

"Shit... sorry should've called your name.." Marco said getting up

"I'm sorry babe." Jade said hugging him

"You're fine." Marco said hugging Jade tight

"Are you ready for tonight?" Jade asked

"Yeah. Are you bunny?" Marco asked with a smile

"Yes,We will take out this guy." Jade said with a smile

Marco nods and smile, as he kisses Jade
Jade kisses back as Marco picks up Jade into his arms, as Jade put her legs around his waist.

You get what happens next.

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