War .72

26 0 0

Same day

"Jade?" Alex said walking as he falls on the ground

Jade gets up fast and runs to Alex

"Alex!" Jade said worried seeing the knife on his side

Jessica rush where I was at seeing the knife on his side

"What happened!?!" Jessica asked worried

"Someone here. " Alex said

Jessica and Jade helped Alex to a safe room

"Where's Andrew?" Jade asked worried

"I don't know.." Alex said hurting

"Go J, I'll call Matt. Go save Andrew. " Jessica said

"Whoever this is. Be alert J." Jade said as she grabs her gun and walks in the hall as she text Marco and Madi

---- With Madi

Madi was at home, as she heard cars pulling up as she calls Venus. As Venus runs toward Madi as they went low, as madi hang onto venus when the people in the cars started shooting Madi house, as Madi calls her Parents and receive Jade message about the department, about Alex getting stabbed.
As soon they left, Madi got her guns ready, and put a gun in Venus harness

Madi calls Marcus

Madi : Marcus, where you at ?

Marcus: Driving home with Abby... why?

Marcus has a Bluetooth in his helmet

Madi: Marcus, Don't go home. You need to hear me! Youre mom in danger at the department.. watch out on the roads. You and Abby need to get somewhere safe.. where is your father?

Marcus: What!! Dad getting lily.. aunt Madi, mom probably needs help.

Madi: Marcus, it's far too dangerous. I'm on my way to the department. Please, be safe.. you still have that knife I gave you and Abby?

Marcus: yes aunt Madi.

Madi hangs up as she drives fast to The department

With Marco

Marco's pov
As lily was in her carseat, we listened to music on our way to the house when I got a message from Jade, as my truck read me what she messaged me. I quickly turned to the department as I see people following me as I started to lose them hiting every corner as I head to the department quick

With Marcus and Abby

Marcus drove as he told Abby what happening... as he drives to the department

---- With Matt
Matt was driving to department as he got angry of who is doing this

--- With Jade and everyone at the department

■Andrew's pov ■
As I heard Alex, as he got hurt by someone that was shooting. I got my gun ready as they tried getting into my office.. As I started shooting when they had the gun at my head

"Drop your gun! Scream for Jade to come out.. scream!!!" Unknown person said angry hitting Andrew on the back

Andrew screamed as Jade comes in the room

"Get away from him!" Jade said pointing the gun at the person

"Nice for you to join us Jade." Roman said angry

Jade looks at him

"What do you want ?" Jade said

Andrew looks at him angry

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