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In a society of balance and sport, three capitals stood on earth, as the new system of government in three different cities. The Capital of Kings, Zeus. The Capital of Tides, Poseidon. And the Capital of the Dead, Hades. The Capital of Kings is in the heavens, an honor to live there. If you live in the capital of tides, they are considered to be the middle class of the capitals, they collect materials that is for the other capitals, Last but not least is the capital of the dead, if you are born here, you are unlucky, The people of hades are considered the incarnate of evil and all things that are not even remotely good. The citizens of hades are seen as people who have nothing better to do than become everyone's door mat, but unlike you becoming an adult at 18 years of age, the new requirement is 11 years. During the late 2000's, which now is four hundred years ago. It is now October 8th, 2424 and Nameless knows the one thing her mother has told her.

"There is no school, there is no training, you must fight to survive." She takes a swig of alcohol,

Nameless runs out of her house panting, her mother yelling slurred curses as she sits sloppily on the couch. Nameless sighs. Her mother is...a piece of work to say the least. Her mothers snored loudly, it sounded like a loin was on the couch napping after hunting.  She sighs. 

"Why does mother hate me so? What did I do to her? I never killed dad...Nor did I cause his death, yet she insists I did..." nameless looks at her bruised arm.

She walked down the street. It was empty and eerie. The silence was not helping out. Nameless stayed alert, normally her street would be bustling with people. Kids playing the streets and adults and teens talking or riding the off brand version of hovercraft model 34. 

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