Chapter two

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King Trex waited for the lift to stop. When is does, the surroundings were like a dungeon of sorts. Stone bricks with moss on them, the stone arch ways have cobwebs in the corners. It was spooky to say the least. The king moves aside letting his Queen and nameless pass him. The queen draped an arm over Nameless's shoulders as she leads her threw the dark and dimly light, by lantern lit halls. 

"So...Ms. Ever-Flame-" The king starts, but Nameless interrupts him, "Just Nameless my king."

He nods. He stops briefly and turns around to Queen Sora and walked backwards, "Well Nameless..." He says in a joking manner, "We have much to discuses..." The King has a small smirk as the queen grins in joy. The queen steps towards Nameless's right side,  

The King walks down towards the lantern lit hallway, the stone archways covered in mosh and cobwebs, the queen followed him, and after a second so did nameless. She looked around her surrounding areas, most of it was the same. As the king turned to the left as the hallway had a crossroad between left and right, the queen follows but nameless looks at the right side with curiosity and wonder, before the queen calls for her. Nameless reluctantly follows down the left corridor. 

Nameless looks at the walls. They probably had a lot of secrets, due to how old and worn they looked. These walls must have a lot of stories to tell.

"So Nameless what do you know about your father?" King Trex asked with his back turned to her, 

"I knew my father knew the two of you very well but not enough for you to consider me family. At least from what mom told me. She always called me Medusa a lot." Nameless said with a sorrow filled face.

The king and queen stopped in their tracks. They sharply turn to Nameless. "What." They say at the same time. Nameless shrinks in fear and cluelessness. "Did-Did I say something wrong?" The queen sighs deeply "Not you entirely about you. Your...difficult mother..." Queen Sora said with venom as she talks about Nameless's mother. 

A flight of stairs dawns on the three of them, the king and queen pulls Nameless in between them, the three of them collectively walk up the stairs and into the storage room, their staff opens the door for them welcoming them back. 

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