Chapter one

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"Here you go Ms.!" The vendor gave nameless her order, nameless then gave him his money she owed him. Her eyes gleamed with sparkles of joy as she stared at her three churros and her root-beer float.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Come to the stage! The Speech Will start in One minute!" The announcer spoke through the microphone.

Nameless took her seat in the second row about a few seats closer to the kings thrown then the queens. After the minute was up, the timer was ringing, and the Television crew started filming live. From a lift within the stage the King of Hades, Trex, and the Queen of Hades, Sora, were lifted onto the stage. The King and Queen wave to the crowd as nameless looked at them from her seat in awe, their dresses matched the gods that they were of relation to, Sora wearing a flower covered gown with her hair up being held by a flower crown with golden accents and a white gem in the middle of it. Trex, however, has a black suit with red accents and a corset. Queen Sora sat down on her throne as King Trex walked over to the microphone and tapped it, evaluating it to make sure people could hear him.

"Hello everyone! And welcome to the three-day ceremony! I hope you had a splendid time coming here!" King Trex looked about the crowd as he was pausing, "I heard that people came all the way from the city of Persephone just to be here!" He winked at the crowd as a joke. A bit of chuckles erupted from the crowd, Persephone was the second largest city in all of Hades, as the laughter died down, a small little riser with a bowl filled to the brim with folded papers, each holding a name, no one under the age of 11 was in there. Its against the law, and that goes for all the Capitals. 

"Now since it is three days before the meeting with the other capitals, it is time to choose a person within the nation of all Hades that will come with for the meeting as our champion!" King Trex leaned over to the bowl; the camera was watching the bowl as King Trex swirled his hand into the bowl, the papers moving like fish within that bowl and his hand the cats, looking for the person who would be next to royalty for as long as the king and queen please. It may seem like a dream come true. But for nameless she just wanted to fulfill her father's final wish.

After a while, the King pulls out a neat piece of folded paper. He opens it to his shock, it says Ever-Flame, meaning a child turning the ripe age of eleven was chosen. He then looks up from the name as he turns to his queen, she stands up and touches her king's arm, she looks at the paper,

"Is there A 'Ever-Flame' here?" she says into the microphone, she says it ever so kindly, with an even friendlier smile,

Everyone looks around, the spotlight shines onto the crowd. Nameless slowly raises her hand. The king's advisor Noticed and alerted the king by tugging on his jacket, and pointing at Nameless's raised hand. King Trex looks directly at nameless. The King smiles as whispers something to the advisor. He jumps off the stage, going into the second row, to grab Nameless. The advisor lifts Nameless off the ground and into the air where she is sitting on his hands, high above the crowd. When the advisor returned, the advisor then takes a knee, he puts his hands down to where Nameless slides off,  King Trex pulls Nameless to him as he then places you in between him and Queen Sora. He takes the microphone from its stand and holds to his mouth,

"My people! My citizens! I bring forth our champion! Ms. Ever-Flame!"

The cameras zoomed in on Nameless's face. The whole city erupted into laughter, cheering, and clapping for the little 10-year-old, who was turning 11 that very day. She had a blank but pale face. She feared her mother's reaction. Yet again her mother did try to stop her from leaving the house, something wasn't right. Her mother never stopped her from leaving the house, only a few times but very rarely has she ever used physical force against Nameless. Why was this time so different.

King Trex put Queen Sora and Nameless behind him as he waves and smiles at his people, Queen Sora hugged Nameless close by pulling her into her side. As the lift descends below the stage and away from the crowd the Queen lets out a long sigh of relief.

"Oh god! I was such a nervous wreck! But you got to do what you got to do." She says as she looks at Nameless with a smile.

"Yeah." Nameless looks away with shyness and worry. 

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