Diagon Alley

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The three of them left the Dursley's island home. And was in the streets of London with Hagrid. They were walking down the street both twins in jeans a tshirt that was too large and a flannel shirt with converse on their feet and both in glasses with Rose hoping to get her other contact lenses.

" First year students will require three sets of work robes,one wand." Harry said as he turned to Hagrid.

"Essential bit of equipment Harry and Rose." Hagrid said.

"One pair of dragon hide gloves." Harry said.

They both looked at each other then looked at Hagrid.

"Hagrid do they mean for a real dragon?" Rose asked.

"Well they don't mean for a Penguin do they, heh crickey but not a dragon." Hagrid said.

"You like dragons don't you?" Rose aske d.

Fast and misunderstood beast Rose fast and misunderstood." Hagrid said before looking to the women beside us.

She nods then went back to reading her paper. We finished and hoped off and started walking back to the streets of London.

"All students must be equipped with one standard two pewter cauldron and may bring if they desire either an owl, a cat or a toad." Harry said.

"Can we find all of this in London?" Rose asked.

"If you know where to go." Hagrid said.

We walked to a corner and entered and got walked into a tavern. Called Leaky Cauldron. There was a music and talking when I guess the barkeep walked up to us.

"Ah Hagrid the usual I presume?" The bar keep said.

"No thanks Tom I'm on official Hogwarts business today just helping young Harry and Rose here with their school supplies." Hagrid sais.

Bless my soul it's Harry and Rose Potter." The bar keep who's name is Tom said.

The pub goes silent and and a man came up to us. He shook are hands.

"Welcome back, Mr and Miss Potter welcome back." The man said.

A lady came came up to us and did the same thing.

" Doris Crockford, Mr and Miss Potter I can't believe I'm meeting you at last." The women said.

We kept walking and a man who had a turban on his head appeared.

H......Harry and Rose P..Potter c..can't tell tell you how pleased I am to meet you." The man who stumbled over his words said.

"Hello Professor I didn't see you there Harry Rose this is Professor Quirrell,he'll be your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts.

"Oh it's nice to meet you." Rose said.

"Oh nice to meet you." Harry said sticking his hand out for Professor Quirrell to shake but he refused.

"F...fearfully fascinating subject n..not that you need it e..eh Potter's?" Professor Quirrell said before laughing.

"Yes well, must be going now lots to buy." Hagrid said.

"Goodbye." Harry and Rose said at the same time.

We walked and went into a winery room and stoped at a brick wall.

"See, Harry and Rose you're famous!" Hagrid exclaimed.

"But why are we famous Hagrid?" Rose asked.

"All those people back there, how is it they know who we are?" Harry asked.

"I'm not exactly sure I'm the right person to tell you that Harry and Rose." Hagrid said.

He pulled out his umbrella and tapped on the wall in a clockwise motion with his umbrella. When he did that it made a stones made a path way to reveal a hidden but very busy street. Where they three walked into.

"Harry, Rose welcome to Diagon Alley. " Hagrid said.

When the three walked into the street a owl screech came from above their heads. They walked down the alley way and Rose saw a bunch of stores. With people looking inside their windows.

"Here's where you'll get your quills and ink and over there all your buys and bobs for doing your wizardry." Hagrid told the twins.

Rose looked over and saw two shops side by side on was called. Amanuensis Quills the other one was Apothecary a store full of odd looking things.

Harry and Rose just looked amazement and passed a shop with owls and bats. Then we looked to the other side a group of kids were. They were looking at a broom.

"It's a world class racing broom, look at it,it's the new Nimbus 2000 it's the fastest model yet." The boy said.

The store window the kids who were looking at the brooms had a sign hanging above it that read Quality Quidditch Supplies.

"But, Hagrid how are we to pay for all this I nor Rose we haven't any money?" Harry asked.

"Well there's your money you two, Gringotts the wizard bank t'aint no place safer 'cept perhaps Hogwarts." Hagrid said.

The twins along with the half man half giant walked down the bussy street when out of the corner of Roses eye she saw a man, a woman and a boy. The man and boy both had very bright blonde hair so did the female. The boy turned and saw Rose. From her standpoint she saw his gray blue eyes and a very cute grin/ smile played on his face.

"Rose coming." Harry called.

"Yeah I'm coming." Rose said.

Looking away from the boy Rose cought up to Harry and Hagrid. Who walked into a building that was solid white with a glass roof. When Rose and Harry looked around they saw very odd looking things.

"Uh, Hagrid what exactly are those things?" Rose asked.

"They're goblins Rose cleave as they come goblins but not the most friendly of beast best for stick close to me." Hagrid said.

Harry and Rose looked at each other while they followed Hagrid.

"The Potter twins wishes to make a withdrawal." Hagrid said.

The goblin looked up.

"And does Mr Harry Potter and Miss Rose Potter have their key?" The goblin asked.

"Oh wait a minute got it here somewhere." Hagrid said as he searched his clothing for the key. He let out laugh.

"Here's the little devil Oh and there's something else as well Professor Dumbledore gave me this, it's about you know what in vault you know which." Hagrid said. After handing the Goblin a letter wrapped in string.

"Very well." The goblin said.

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