End Of A Year

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That night came faster then Rose had wished. Her and Draco had spinet the afternoon packing their trunks for Hogwarts.

"Hard to believe that it's been almost a whole school year." Rose said.

"Yes and hard to believe I been friends with a Potter." Draco said.

"You love me and you know it." Rose said.

A blush formed on Draco cheeks.

The two slytherin along with all of their fellow housemates to the great hall for the end of the year celebration.

"Slythern must have won." Rose said.

" yeah weMust." Draco said agreeing.

The dinner for the bed of the year feast started. Professor McGonagall dinged the side of her glass. All the chatting going on stop and Professor Dumbledore stood up.

"Another year gone and now as I understand it the house cup needs awarding and the point stand thus in fourth place Gryffindor with 312 points.." Dumbledore Said.

Clapping came from are table while Harry Hermionie hide their heads

"Third place Hufflepuff with 352 points."

Claps came from the Hufflepuff table.

"In second place Ravenclaw 426 points.

Clapping came from the Ravenclaw table.

"And in first place with 472 points Slytherin house."

A lot of cheering and clapping came from the Slytherin table. Rose and Draco both had huge smiles of their faces. Ron sent a look over their ways.

"Yes,yes well done Slytherin well done however recently events must be taken into account and I have a few last minutes points to award." Dumbledore said.

"To Miss Hermionie Granger for the use of intellect when other were in great peril 50 points."

Applause came from the whole table.

"Second to Mr Ronald Wesley for the best played game of chess that hogwarts has even these many years 50 points."

"And third to Harry and Rose Potter for pure nerve and outstanding courage I award Gryffindor house 60 points."

All the gryffindors cheered.

"We're tied with Slythern!" Hermione exlaimed.

"And finally it takes great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies but a great few more to stand up to your friends I award 10 points to Neville Longbottom." Dumbledore finished saying.

All the gryffindor broke out in cheers Neville looked shocked and sat there. Draco who was smiling at Rose was still said to but Slythern lose.

"Assuming that my calculations are correct I believe that a change of direction is in order." Dumbledore said.

Professor Dumbledore clapped his hands and the green banners changed to Gryffindor' seed and yellow.

"Gryffindor wins the house cup!" He said.

More cheering broke out before they all threw are hat up in the air. All of were jumping cheering and laughing.

"Yeah we won!" Lee Jordan who is in the Weasley twins year and is the quidditch commentator exlaimed.

The dinnner ended and Rose and Draco held hands to the common room.

"Owl me every day?" He asked.

"If my uncle lets me." Rose said.

"Okay." He said.

"Hey if not met up and Diagon Ally as soon as the school year starts next?" She asked.

"Yes." He said.

Morning came and everyone in hogwarts well the students were boarding the station.

"Come on now hurry up you'll be late train leaving go on go on come on hurry up." Hagrid said.

Rose saw Draco walking on the train along with Hermionie. While she and Harry with their pets went to Hagrid.

"Though you were leaving without saying good bye didja? Hagrid asked.

Hagrid took out a red album out of his coat pocket and handed it to Harry and Rose
"This is for both of you." He said.

Harry opened the photo album and it showed Harry and Rose with parents when Harry and Rose where little. In the photo their parents Lily and James Potter smiling and waving. And that made Harry and Rose smiled.

"Thanks Hagrid." Rose said.

Harry shook his hand and hugged him before Rose hugged him.
"Oh,go on on with you." He said before letting go of the girl

"Oh listen Rose if that dolt of a cousin of yours Dudley give you any grief you can always I'm threaten him with a nice pair of ears to go with that tail of his." Hagrid said.

"But Hagrid we're not allowed to do magic away from Hogwarts you know that." Harry said.

"I do but your cousin don't do he he off you go?." Hagrid asked then said.

Harry and Rose walked away to the back train door where Hermionie and Ron were waiting for them.

"Feels strange to be going home doesn't it?" Hermionie asked.

"I'm not going home we both are not really going home." Henry told Hermionie.

The train whistled and Harry and Rose climbed aboard the train. As they did Harry and Ron and Hermionie along with Rose found a spot and waited for the train to leave but we waved to Hargrid as we did. Other students started to wave them self. As we left to go back to London back to are life with the Dudleys. When they got back to Kings Cross station Draco and Rose went together because Harry was staying behind to wait on Ron. While Rose spotted Aunt Petunia and Dudley.

"There my stop." Rose said pointing..
"Oh okay." He said shocked.

Rose saw Hermionie come out.

"Bye Mionie." Rose said.

"Bye Rose." She said.

Rose walked Draco go to meet his father.

"Hi Lucius." Rose said.

"Hello Rose." He said.

"Well bye Draco." Rose said hugging him.

She walked over to her aunt and cousin.

"Was that your boyfriend." Dudley teased.

"No he was just a good friend I have made." Rose said.

"Yeah right." He said.

"Whatever." Rose said.

"Is your bratty brother coming?" Aunt Petunia asked.

"He was saying goodbye to his friends." Rose said.
Rose saw Harry come around and came them.
"Slythern lover." Harry said to Rose
"Oh please you would too if you were not straight and that was your house.."Rose said.

"Okay yeah right." Harry said.

Harry and Rose walked to the car and put their stuff in it then headed to 4 Privet drive Surrey.

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