Slytherin Common Room

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When the feast was done everyone was leaving the great hall. Rose watched as her brother walked away.

"Rose come on." Draco said pulling her out of a transe.

"Coming." She said.

The two followed the other first years. Down to the dungeon of Hogwarts. When they got there they stopped at a stone wall

"Blood Purity." The prefect said.

"Keep that password in mind and check the anocemt board for the password when it change of password." He said.

"Okay all your stuff is in your dorm boys to the left girls to the right." Another one said.

"Well I guess this is goodnight." Rose said to Draco.

"Yep and hey if we have any classes with Gryffindor you be with the other Potter." Draco said turning his r into more of an h sound.

The two went to there respectable dorm rooms. Rose got to her and was the first one so she drew her current around her bed and changed and undid her currents and saw there was other girl doing the same thing. But she grabbed Jupiter and fell asleep.

Rose woke up and placed Jupiter down on the ground. Owner and kitten had slept soundly all night. Rose got dressed and went down to the common room with Jupiter in her arm.

Rose saw a bunch of first years and walked up to them.

"Make friend after all your stuck with them." Rose thought to her self.

She walked over to them and saw Draco Crabbe Goyle and two other people who she had not met.

"Ah Rosie how did you sleep?" Draco asked.

"Very well thank you." Rose responded too.

"Can we go eat?" Crabbe asked.

Everyone got up and started walking to the great hall for breakfast. They got there and saw it was a handful of students.
The five of them ate while Rose only knew the three. But they all where there eating in somewhat silence.

When they were done Rose spoke up.

"Hi I'm Rose." She said speaking too the two she didn't know.

"I'm Pansy Parkinson." The female said.

"And I'm Theodore Nott." The other said.

Their time tables were handed out and Rose went off to find the classroom without saying anything else. She walked the school until she found the classroom where students were already trickling in. There was a cat sitting where the teacher should have sat. Everyone was in the class room beside the same brunette who Rose had lived with for a brother and then there was a Red headed from yesterday.

"Whew, amazing can you imagine that look on old McGonagall's face is we were late?" Ron asked.

A cat jumped off a desk and before hit even hit the ground it turned into Professor McGonagall. The class looked in amazed. And the boys looked in schock.

"That was bloody brilliant." Ron said.

"Thank you for the assessment Mr Weasley maybe if I were to transfigured Mr Potter and yourself into a pocket watch,maybe one of you two would be on time." She said.

"We got lost." Harry said.

"Then perhaps a map and a pocket watch I trust you don't need one to find your seats." She said.

"Poor Harry." Rose said out loud.

Their fist class of Transfigurations went on and Professor McGonagall told them what to expect and everything. When class was done then went to the Slytherin and Gryffindor went to their next class that was Potions. The twins sat together as they didn't know any better. Ron and Hermionie also sat with them. They waited for their teacher who is the potions master Professor Snape.

A loud boom came and Snape came into the room from the back door. He came in and his cape flew behind

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in the class as much I don't expect many of you to enjoy the subtle science and exact art that is potion making however for those select few who can possess the predisposition I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses I can tell you how to bottle fame and brew glory and even put a stopper in death." Professor Snape said.

Harry and Rose was taking note of was Professor Snape was saying and writing it down.

"Then again maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention." He said after.

Hermionie hit Harry Ana Harry hit Rose to get their attention.

"Mr Potter and Miss Potter our new celebrity tell me what I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wood worm?" Professor Snape asked.

Hermionie hand went up. And Harry shrugged his shoulders. And Rose looked confused.

"You don't know well lets try again where Mr Potter would you look if I asked you to find mr a Bezoar?" Snape asked again.

"I don't know,Sir." Harry said

"And Miss Potter what is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfbane?" Snape asked.

"I don't know Sir." Rose said.

The potions class went on like the other class and that was starting stuff and learning what to expect. After class they all went to the great hall. All the first years went to to the great hall. For study hall. All the houses to respective tables. Rose however went to Gryffindor table because she missed her brother.

"Harry who that." Rose asked her brother.

"That's Seamus Finnigan." Harry said.

"Eye of rabbit harp string hum turn this water into rum." He said.

"What's Seamus trying to do to that glass of water?" Harry asked.

"Turn it into rum, actually managed a weak tea yesterday, before." Ron was cut mid sentences with a loud ZAPOOF.

The cup exploded. We all started laughing then a flock of owls came.

"Ah, mails here!" Ron exclaimed.

A owl dropped off stuff to all the students and Harry got nothing and I actually got something. An owl dropped of a single red rose. With a leter.

Dear Rose
I hope you like the rose oh wow now that just seemed stupid becuase I gave you a rose that is also your name ugh I should have just gave it you myself but I hope you enjoy it. P.s I like you.

Rose looked to her house table and walked over to Draco Malfoy.

" I got your letter." Rose said.

"You did?" Draco asked.

"Yes." She said.

"Look I asked my mum what to do." He said.

"Well it's sweet." Rose said.

A very bright smile came across dracos cheek along with a very bright red.

"Rosie." Harry called his twin.

"Coming Harry see you later Draco." Rose said walking away.

"Rose somebody broke into Gringotts. Listen, Believed to be the work of dark witches or wizards unknown, Gringotts goblins, while acknowledging the breach, insist that nothing was taken. The vault in question, number 713, had in fact been emptied earlier that same day. That's odd. That's the vault Hagrid and I went to." Harry said.

"The same one?" Rose asked.

"Yes." Harry responded.

"What if someone was after what was in that vault." Rose said.

"Maybe." Harry said.

Rose Potter and The Sorcerer Stone Where stories live. Discover now