The Problems with Malfoy's

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Rose walked away from her brother and his best friends and went to the only people in her house who she thought she made friends with.

"Malfoy why did you do that?" Rose asked very short temperd.

"Rosie look I'm sorry about that I just felt like having a good laugh." Draco said.

"So you used my brother to do it?" Rose asked.

"I ment for it to be more on Longbottom then anything just your brother got involved." Draco said.

"Look Rosie I'm sorry." Draco said. He slid a ring off his finger and handed it to her.

"It's one of my family rings my father made two one for while I am in school and when I leave hogwarts." Draco said handing her the ring.

"It's your family ring I could never take it from you." Rose said handing it back.

"I want you to have it." Draco said.

"Well thank you Draco." Rose said.

"Come sit with us we are playing a muggle game." Crabbe said.

"The only game my father actually plays and that's a muggle game were they gamble away money." Draco said.

"Poker?" Rose asked. Unsure if that's what they were talking about.

"Yeah that's it." Goyle said.

"I'm good I will just watch." Rose said.

She watched as the boy just sat and watched as they played poker until dinner. When they got to dinner everyone sat and ate what was layed out on fine dishes. Rose ate but she looked for Harry Ron and Hermionie who were no were to be seen. When she was done eating she slipped out of the great hall and down to the dungeon was.

"Potter your spose to be at the great hall for dinner." A voice of Roses head of house Professor Snape said.

"I'm sorry Professor it just I wasn't that hungry so I come down to the dormitory so I could have time to my self to think." Rose said.

"Think about what Potter?" Snape asked.

"See when I left my aunt said I was just like my mother and well that got me thinking." Rose said.

"Your mum would be really proud of you and the girl you become." Snape said.

"How do you know?" Rose asked.

"I well Rose I use to be friends with your mother until I did something dum and stupid." He said.

"Then why were you hard on me and Harry today?" Rose asked.

"Because you are literally your father identical twin with your mother kindness and Harry is the same but has your mothers eyes and your father sprite in him." Snape said.

"Wow!" Rose exlaimed.

"Besides I was one of the first ones at Godriks hallow the night your parents died Rose." Snape said.

"Did you know my mother well?" Rose asked.

"Since she was about your age or younger then you." Snape said.

"Good night Rose." Snape told the young girl with a bit of emotion in his voice.

Morning came into Hogwarts a little quicker than Rose has wanted it to come. Rose got up and got to the bathing room in her dormitory and took a quick shower. Afterwards she got dressed in a skirt and blouse tie vest robe and socks with mary Jane shoes.

Going down stairs she was met by running into a blonde hair blue eyed boy.

"Why do I keep running into you?" Rose asked.

"Because it's just what we bump into each other." Draco said.

"Must be the universe sign of when something is wrong with one of us we bump into each other." Rose said.

"Maybe." Draco said.

The two of them had an hour before classes.

"Oh next time mail comes my mum wants to know if you would come to the manor for a Christmas ball?" Draco asked.

"Sure." Rose said.

"I'm glad you'll come." Draco said.

The two walked out of the common room that was very dark lit with it being under the black lake.

They got to the great hall. And saw Professor Dumbledore at the door.

"Ah early birds I see." He said.

"Yes Professor." Rose said.

"Mr Malfoy I see she has your family ring on." Dumbledore said.

"Yes she does." Draco said.

"I would keep her she is very important in your life I can tell." Dumbledore said.

He opened the door and Rose and Draco walked in and waited for food to be placed.

"Charms this morning." Rose said.

"Yes." Draco responded with.

Breakfast came and the went to their Charms class with Professor Flitwick.

"Well he is very short." Rose said.

"It's because in my family tree is their is goblin." Flitwick said.

When class started Flitwick stood on a stack of books.

"One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation the ability to make objects fly, uh, do you all have your feathers?" Flirwick asked.

Hermionie raised feather in the air.

"Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hmm the swish and flick everyone." The Professor said.

"The swish and flick." The class repeated back.

"Good. And enunciate Wingardium Leviosa off you go then." Flitwick told his class.

"Wingardium Levio-saaa." Draco said waving his wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Rose said and the first try she had the feather floating.

The whole class practiced.

"Wingardrium Leviosar." Ron said then smacked his wand.

"Stop stop stop you're going to take someone eye out besides your saying it wrong it's Leviosa not Leviosar." Hermionie said.

"You do it then if you're so clever go on, go on." Ron said.

Hermionie sat up more straight and swished her wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa." She said.

The feather went up into the air . Ron who was looking at his charm book he put it down then put his head on top of it.

"Oh well done see here everyone Miss Granger and Miss Potter done it oh splendid." Flitwick said.

Flitwick started walking around.

"Wingard Levosa Wingard Levosa." Seamus said.

"Well done, dear." Flitwick told Hermionie before he could walk to Rose.


Seamus Ffeather exploded.

Flitwick gasps as other jumped.

"Whooaa oh!" He exlaimed.

"I think we're going to need another feather over here, Professor." Harry said.

Rose Potter and The Sorcerer Stone Where stories live. Discover now