Christmas Ball

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The day pasted and Rose actually got a present from Lucius which was a silver chain for necklaces so Rose put the two rings from Draco and Narcissa on it. Then Narcissa gave a lipgloss that was charmed to tast like what ever flavor Rose wanted and it was a light pink and Draco well he gave Rose a necklace with a Dragon claw holding a Rose quartz.

"My name means Dragon in Latin so it's a Dragon protecting its Rose." Draco said.

"It's cheesy but not as bad when you gave me that letter with a rose in it!" She exclaimed

"True." Draco said.

The two waited upstairs playing wizard chest as the house elf's were helping Narcissa decorate.

"Dobby go check on Draco and Rose." Narcissa told the elf.

"Yes Mistress." Dobby the house elf said.

Dobby snapped his fingers and was upstairs in Draco's bed room.

"Young Master Malfoy Mistress Malfoy wanted me to check on you too." The house elf said.

"We are okay Elf." Draco said.

"No need to be mean." Rose said taking pity on the elf.

"It's quite alright Miss Potter Dobby is use to it." The elf said.

With that the elf apparated out of Draco's room.

Later that evening laughter and the sound of music being played by live musicians could be heard all through Malfoy Manor. The great hall what was working as the ball room was filled with white gold and silver decor. Rose who walked beside Draco scared of what was going to happen. But the more Rose went down the stairs she saw a few Slytherin kids from school but it was the one who kept making fun of her. Pansy Parkinson was the main one who was more in whiling to be their.

"Draco I take it most of the kids in the Slytherin house is pure bloods?" Rose asked.

"Yes they are." Draco said.

The twin girl was wondering how her other half by blood was doing it been two days since she saw him. But she was brought out of her trance when the blonde headed boy with in dress robes with his hand out in front of her.

"Care to dance?" He asked.

"I would love to but I don't really know how." Rose confessed.

"It's okay I'm not the best myself." Draco said.

"Okay." Rose said.

A slow song started up from the musisons. And Draco stuck his hand out for Roses to put her hand in his. Rose who took his hand and they started dancing. Going around and around not caring who was around them.

"Uhm why are all the eyes on us?" Rose asked.

"Well mum and father are dancing and so are we ." He responded with.

Rose and Draco went back to dancing smiling at each other. When the song ended. She walked away from Draco to get away from the crowd when she tripped. Before she could even look up she saw Pansy Parkinson had tripped her.

Pansy started laughing so did the whole ballroom. The potions master of hogwarts was also at the ball to support an old friend he had. When he saw the young girl run away and upstairs. Mr and Mrs Malfoy noticed the girl was gone so did Draco. The saw Snape go after her. So did Mrs Malfoy. In the guest room that was her bedroom Rose was packing what he forgot last time with tears starting to stain her cheeks.

"Miss Potter." A voice that had a bit of emotion to it said

"Come in." Rose said.

"I know that they are in are house so how long has that been going on?" Snape asked.

"A month."Rose let out.

"I will handle them when we get back to school." Snape said.

"Thank you Professor." Rose said

"Rose are you okay?" Draco asked pushing past the Hogwarts professor.
"Look Draco I'm fine it's just I'm tired of them doing that too me." Rose said.

"I'm glad your okay." Draco said.

Snape left the pair of elvean year olds.

"I think when school starts back up no more Miss Goody Too shoes Rose." Rose said.

"Are you sure you can do that?" Draco asked.

"Yes who do you think fought for Harry." Rose said.

"Scary." Draco said.

"Very very scary." Rose said.

"You still want to go dance or stay up here and pack?" Draco asked.

"I think I stay up here and pack then come join you." Rose said.

"Okay." Draco said.

Rose finished packing up all of her things for school and went back downstairs and joined Draco and his family.

"Ah Rose I'm glad your okay." Narcissa said seeing this girl.

"I'm okay." Rose said.

"I know I'm not your actual father but over the last twenty four hours but I have come to think of you as daughter so would you like to dance? Lucius asked.

"I would be honored." Rose responded with.

Lucius grabbed the young girls hand and they started dancing. Draco and Narcissa followed. Both adults with a kid were dancing. When The Malfoy ball ended and the two kids was sent to bed. Rose who could not sleep got up and found her school text book and looked up famous people. To see if the one who kept coming up in her head to read about was Nicholas Flamel. When Rose had no luck she grabbed Jupiter. Who sat on her owners lap.

Roses door opened to reveal Draco.

"I would have though you would have been asleep." Rose said.

"I would have though you would been asleep too."Draco said.

"Well I'm not tired." Rose said.

"Same here." Draco said.

"Want to sneak down stairs and play wizard chest?" Draco asked.

"Sure." Rose said.

They snuck downstairs and played wizard chest on the floor.

Draco grabbed the game from the shelf.

"You go first." Rose said.

"Okay Pawn to A5." Draco said.

The pawn moved across the board.

"Pawn to H6." Rose said.

The game of wizards chest went half way though before both eleven years olds fell asleep.

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