Eleven Years ago

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Halloween night in 1981 in the Potter house a few months after Harry and his sister Rose first birthday. There mother Lily Potter was up stairs taking care of the two while there father James was downstairs. The twins who looked like there father with dark brown hair while Harry had his father's looks and his mothers eyes. Unlike Harry Rose had her father hazel eyes that were more brown and her mothers looks. The door leading into the house had been unlocked that leads into the main room. Before James could grab his wand a man who came into the house with a black hood and pale skin said something and waved his wand.

"Avada Kedavra." He let out of his mouth.

James Potter had just been put to death by a curse that no person should ever use. The black shadow figure went up the stairs. Lily Potter who was upstairs with her son and daughter. The man did the same thing he did to the woman's husband down stairs. Lilly fell when the man tried to kill the boy and girl who was in her crib. The spell did the same thing for their parents. Severus Snape came into the room as soon as the person left. He fell to the floor crying. Holding dead Lily Potter's body. And hearing the children scream.

Albus Dumbledore, the Professor of Hogwarts which owns wizardry, came. To grab the two babies. From the house that was their home for a year of their life. Albus grabbed the older twin Harry while his deputy headmistress Professor
Minerva McGonagall took the girl.

"You know Lucius and Narssia Malfoy had a son born just a month before Harry and Rose?" Albus asked.

"Yes I did know something about that." Minerva said

"I think when they come to Hogwarts we put them together." Albus said.

"Albus what do you mean?" Minerva said.

"Sybill Trelwney the seer made a prophecy about the twins." Albus said.

"Mrs Trelwney also teaches at the school." Minerva said.

"Yes she does and the prophecy was one twin The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies....other twin the girl is to fill a void left by a boys parents and that boy is Draco Malfoy and she is full of great power and may become as powerful as some other Witches and Wizards ." Albus said.

"So what are we going to do?" Minerva asked.

"Harry is to go to his only blood relatives while Rose is going to be in godfathers care." Albus said.

"Remus Lupin?" Minerva asked.

"Well yes." Albus said.

"No I would rather her live with muggles until time and I believe I can watch over her!" Severus Snape the potions master said.
"Ah Severus how are you holding up?" Albus asked.

"Fine Albus I don't think it's wise to put Rose in the care of Remus." Severus said.

"Yes you are true." Albus said.

"Very well Minerva can you watch the muggles all day?" Albus asked

"Yes I can." She said.

Rose Potter and The Sorcerer Stone Where stories live. Discover now