Chapter 1: Harsh Beginnings

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A young woman walked down the street at a fast pace holding a baby in her arms. "It's ok honey, I know." She cooed as she listened to her child's cries. "We're almost there." Said the woman as she was approaching Gotham General Hospital.
She walked in the automatic doors and threw off her hood. She stepped into an almost empty waiting room and up to the even emptier front desk.  "Hello! Hello! I need help! Please!" Said the woman as she held her screaming infant close to her. Finally a nurse stepped up to the desk.
"Yes, how can I help you?" Asked the nurse as the woman looked calm but worried and tired.
"My daughter, there's something wrong with her." Said the woman as the nurse nodded.
"Ok, what exactly is wrong?" Asked the nurse as the woman took a breath trying to calm.
"I don't- I don't know but she's burning up and she's crying like she's in pain. I don't know what's wrong or what to do." Said the woman as the nurse nodded.
"Ok take her over to Exam room 4 and I'll take a look at her and ask you a few questions." Said the nurse as the woman nodded and took her infant over to the room.

The nurse instructed the mother to lay her baby down on the examination table. The nurse unwrapped the baby and gasped. "She's incredibly pale!?" Said the nurse as the woman shook her head.
"No, no, no! That's nothing to worry about! She always looks like that, just like her father." Said the woman as the nurse nodded and continued her examination.
"Tell me what's your name?" Asked the nurse as the woman stood over her baby.
"Piper, Piper Ivory and her name is Sarah." Said Piper as she started calming down a little.
"Does Sarah have any medical conditions we should know about?" Asked the nurse as she took a stethoscope and listened to Sarah's heart beat.
"Um she was diagnosed with a heart condition when I was pregnant with her and the day after she was born she got an infection in her spinal fluid, the doctors said that she might develop a seizure disorder later in life so they suggested that I meet with a neurologist but I haven't had the time to schedule an appointment with Dr. Tetch." Said Piper as the nurse nodded.
"Her heart beat does sound a little faint, what kind of heart condition does she have?" Asked the nurse as Piper struggled to remember the name.
"I think it's.... Tricuspid atresia?" She questioned out loud as the nurse looked at her.
"How old is Sarah?" Asked the nurse.
"6 months." Said Piper as the nurse nodded.
"Well her heart definitely sounds abnormal but this fever, I have no idea where it came from, we're gonna need to have a look at her, you can go sit in the waiting room and fill out some paperwork." Said the nurse as Piper nodded.

While the young Sarah Ivory had been admitted to the hospital, Daniel Van Dahl was about to meet his true family.

It had been 5 years since Oswald Cobblepot had been released from Black Gate and in those 5 years he had built a formidable force within Gotham and controlled most corners of it but there was one thorn in his side that was becoming much more than that. In the old Sionis Steel Mill there was a group of clowns being led by a man they called The Joker. There was nothing known about the man besides the way he looked and the way he acted, it was exactly like the Valeska's but when would people call him Jerome or Jeremiah he had no idea who you were talking to, the only thing he responded to was Joker. Because of this thorn in his side Oswald had no time for himself, he just worked himself tirelessly.
Edward however watched how stressed Oswald was throughout these 5 years and did everything in his power to care for him but with their past it was clear that Oswald was still having trouble trusting Edward. Edward was hurt by it but he understood. As they spent these 5 years together something changed between them they became softer towards each other in a way they hadn't been since Oswald was mayor but back then that was the real Edward Nygma. Now it was the Riddler and though he refused to let others call him by anything but the moniker he chose, he let Oswald call him by the name he always knew him by.
One night at about the 4th year of Oswald's reign over Gotham, the two sat together talking and drinking one of the few moments of peace they had and Edward started to wonder. "Oswald can I ask you something?" Asked Edward softly as Oswald hurriedly set down his glass.
"Of course Ed, anything." Said Oswald as Edward took a shaky breath showing he was nervous to ask this.
"Do you think if we hadn't hurt each other like we did, then you and I could've been-" Edward stopped and paused.
"Yes Ed?" Asked Oswald eagerly.
"Do you think we could've been more than friends?" Asked Edward softly as Oswald smiled.
"I think about that a lot." Said Oswald as he looked down into his glass. As he stared into the glass Edward walked over to him so Oswald looked up at him. Edward leaned down and kissed him.
That was the beginning of their relationship now it's been a year since Oswald and Edward started this relationship and they did nothing to hide it from Gotham. Both men were rather proud of their love for one another, they went on public dates in places Oswald controlled as he knew if he owned the people they would fear him so they wouldn't turn over Ed to the police.

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