Chapter 13: Fragile Doll

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Edward Nygma sat in his cell at Arkham reading a book that Oswald had brought him shortly after he got here, he had been reading it with Daniel but after Daniel found out that he was adopted he and Edward became estranged because Daniel saw him as the person who underestimated him and he hated him because he was right that Daniel wasn't old enough to handle it. Oswald had come to visit him everyday it seemed that he wasn't having it easy without him and that more than ever made Edward want to break out but he wasn't certain how. He knew he'd need help but he wasn't going to take it from the man that was offering.

"Psst! Psst!" The sound came from the grate connecting the cell next to him. Edward desperately tried to ignore him. "You know Eddie I really don't like being ignored!" His voice growled as Edward sighed and set down his book.
"What do you want Joker?" Asked Edward as he went sat over by the grate.
"I have a plan to get outta here but I need your help. Whatcha say, be my pal?" Asked Joker as he was laying on the floor staring at Edward with these begging eyes and pouting lip.
"Not interested." Said Edward as Joker looked at him.
"Oh come on Eddie, I've seen just how sad you get from being apart from that hubby of yours and I've heard you talking in your sleep about a boy named Daniel, sounds like you and I have something in common besides devilishly handsome looks and genius intellects." Said Joker as Edward scoffed.
"If you and I have anything in common I'll throw myself off the roof." Said Edward as he flipped open his book and continued to ignore Joker even though he was right in front of him.
"This is serious Eddie!" Joker barked as he slammed his hands against the grate but sighed and hung his head for a moment getting suddenly serious. "I need your help." He said softly in a pleasing kind of way that caught Edward's attention so he closed the book.
"Say that again." Said Edward with a grin. Before when Joker stated that he needed his help Edward assumed it was because Joker planned on leaving him for dead or he needed patsy but the tone dropped and Joker genuinely needed his help.
"I need your help! Please! They have my little girl picked up in here somewhere and I don't even know where to look... And Malcolm is no help!" Joker hissed as Edward looked at him.
"Wait how old is your daughter?" Asked Edward as Joker thought for a moment.
"She'll be 9 in July." Said Joker softly as Edward realized just why he needed his help over all others because Edward was likely the only person to care enough to help.
"How do you even know she's here?" Asked Edward as Joker sighed and stared at the ceiling.
"Because I saw her, the guards were beating on her and I before I could call out to her they beat me over the head until I was silent. I was barely conscious when I watched what cell they threw her into." Said Joker as he looked up at Edward.
"Whatcha say Eddie? Help me save her?" Asked Joker softly as Edward sighed.
"Fine I'll help you."

The two formulated a plan during lunch to get her out of her cell, Edward knew if he was out of his cell it would raise fewer alarm bells with the guards since they genuinely thought he was crazy. So Edward would survey the empty wing and try to find some way to open her door but it wasn't going to be easy since she was being kept in an old max security wing that wasn't being used since Edward's ten year stretch in Arkham. They deemed the wing biologically unsafe because it contained harmful levels of asbestos in the walls and ceilings so even the guards didn't really guard her for too long. "It's cruel that they're keeping her there in such a decrepit place." Said Joker as Edward rolled his eyes.
"Well it's not like they treat any of us well so why expect a child to be treated differently." Said Edward as he shook his head.
"But it is different for her, Eddie. The doctors at Gotham General say that she's dying and there's nothing her mother and I can do but make her comfortable. I don't think any of these half-witted doctors have even run a simple blood test to figure that out!" Said Joker as he crossed his arms.
"Do you know what's wrong with her?" Asked Edward as Joker shook his head.
"According to her mother we just keep getting a different diagnosis every week but they can't figure out why all these things are happening to a child let alone how they connect together." Said Joker as he sighed. "She's a sweet innocent girl and despite the illness these guards punish her for my misdeeds just because she's my little girl, she doesn't deserve to live out the rest of her days in this horrible place." Said Joker as he pulled a photograph out of his pocket it was of Sarah at school picture day last year just after they found out she was dying, it was the only time that her mother bought her pictures from the school because she couldn't afford to have good pictures taken of their daughter before they lost her.
"Is it any better for her to live the rest of her days on the run?" Asked Edward as Joker looked at him.
"What if this was your boy, wouldn't you want to make sure that he's happy when he goes?" Asked Joker as Edward scoffed.
"If this were my son allowing him to die would not be an option. I have the intellect and the perseverance not to accept the death of my child, what about you?" Asked Edward as suddenly a guard came over.
"Nygma, Joker, up." Barked the guard as they turned and looked at each other. The guard was not one they recognized especially because he had a British accent.
"We're having a conversation here, why don't you come back another time." Said Joker as he waved his hand but the guard slammed his head into the table.
"Not an option, the boss wants to talk to you now!" Said the guard as he pulled Joker out of his seat by the hair on the back of his head. Edward followed knowing whoever the guard spoke of wanted him too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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