Chapter 4: Impossible Odds Part 1

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Daniel ran through his large house, thudding down the hallway and sprinting down the stairs as he giggled then he hid behind a chair in parlor. "Alright here I come!" Shouted Edward's voice as Daniel hunkered down and listened. He heard his father's footsteps upstairs, he felt so clever for squeezing himself in such a tight spot because he knew that he was so small that if needed he could hide under the chair and that would give him an advantage because Edward was so tall then getting down that low would be impossible for him or at least that was Daniel's thought.

Edward had searched the entire upstairs and couldn't find him so he headed downstairs. Edward walked around the downstairs looking under tables and in cupboards. "What are you doing?" Asked Oswald as he stood on the other side of the dining room.
"I'm playing hide and seek with Daniel." Said Edward as he smiled up at him then continued looking for him.
"Why?" Asked Oswald as Edward sighed and knelt down to look under the table.
"Well you said not to bother you while you were dealing with The Black Mask so I thought I'd keep him occupied." Said Edward as he stood up to see Oswald smiling.
"Well that is very sweet of you." Said Oswald as he slid his hands up Edward's chest and kissed him. They shared quite a passionate kiss but then Edward froze for a moment. "What?" Asked Oswald as Edward grinned and clapped his hands together.
"The parlor!" He said as he hurried off. Oswald sighed and followed him while under his breath.
"To understand your mind, Edward." He muttered as he followed Edward into the parlor. Edward started looking around and saw nothing sadly but was still determined to find the boy. Oswald sat down in the exact chair that Daniel was hiding behind but only noticed him when he heard soft muffled breathing behind him. He turned and saw Daniel holding his hand over his mouth to try and conceal his breathing. Without knowing Oswald accidentally gave away Daniel's hiding place because Edward walked over and leaned close to Oswald but he quickly picked up on what he was doing and grabbed Ed's tie and kissed him. While he kissed Ed  Oswald waved his hand behind the chair signaling Daniel to sneak away so he did. Edward finally pulled himself away and then gave Oswald a smirk.
"Oswald." Said Edward as Oswald rubbed Edward's tie between his fingers.
"What? I didn't want you cheating in a simple game with our son. He's four, why not let him win?" Asked Oswald as Edward sighed.
"I hate it when you're right." Said Edward as he placed one more kiss on Oswald's lips when suddenly there was a knock at the door.

The men got up and went to the front door to see Daniel standing there with the door open. He had a look of fear in his eyes. Oswald and Edward rushed over to see Sophia Falcone standing at the door. Oswald got close to Daniel and the boy latched onto his father finding Sophia to be terrifying. Oswald picked up Daniel and held him close. Daniel hid his face in Oswald's shoulder which told Oswald that Sophia must've said something to him. "Sophia, sorry I didn't recognize you without a bullet between eyes." Said Oswald as Sophia didn't even seem phased by the comment.
"Make her go away Daddy." Daniel mumbled as he clutched onto Oswald tight.
"He's your son? Hmm, I never thought of you as the fathering type." Said Sophia as Oswald glared at him.
"Edward, take Daniel." Oswald told as he handed off the boy to his other father but as he did so he saw the look of fear and desperation on Daniel's face as Edward walked away with him. "What do you want?!" Oswald barked as Sophia watched Edward walk away with the boy.
"I just wanted to talk, I wanted to hope that the two of us could reconcile. There's no point in fighting this war when in my absence you've already won." Said Sophia as Oswald was incredibly skeptical of her proposal.
"You want to reconcile?! Really?" Said Oswald as he laughed at her. "No! I could forgive the battle for the city but I can't forgive how you tugged at heart strings to play with me, you used Martin against me, an innocent child! And you tortured and tried to kill Ed. I've learned that you can't be reasonable so if you're done fighting that's fine, it'll just make you easier to kill." Said Oswald as he gripped the door and prepared to close it but Sophia thumped her hand against the door.
"Just remember you brought this up on yourself." Said Sophia as she then.  turned and walked away.

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