Chapter 6: Clown's Day Out

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On the same night that Daniel was kidnapped, Sarah had her first night alone with her father. After begging Piper on his knees for months to let him have some alone time with Sarah she finally agreed but on one condition, Sarah cannot see him commit any violent crime which included any kind of murder, assault, theft, or arson. Joker gladly agreed as he also didn't want Sarah to see him like that not yet anyways. Joker came and picked up Sarah and as he put her in the car he had Piper giving him clear instructions and it was starting to get on his nerves. "Piper, Piper, Piper! Darling, everything will be fine, I promise. You need not to be worried." Said Joker as Piper sighed.
"But I am, she's so fragile and sick and I just don't want anything to happen to her, Joker." Said Piper as Joker put his hand on the side of her face.
"I know and I promise you that with me she will be happy and as healthy as a girl with a mystery illness can be." Said Joker as he rubbed her cheek.
"I'm gonna hold you to that, Joker!" Said Piper as she slammed a folded up piece of paper against his chest.
"What's this?" Asked Joker as he took the paper and unfolded it, it was a list.
"It's a list of all the medications she's taking, three different kinds of pills, and a powdered medication that I've mixed into some water bottles of juice for her. Make sure she takes those pills. She knows how much she's supposed to take and when, you just need to keep an eye on her and make sure nothing startles her when she's supposed to take them, if she switches over to Iris, you're going to have to force the pills down her throat. Iris doesn't understand how sick her body is and she thinks she can fight it so she doesn't want to take her pills." Said Piper as Joker hummed looking over the list.
"Well let's hope it doesn't come to that." Said Joker as Piper sighed and knelt down to Sarah.
"Have fun with Daddy sweetheart." Said Piper as she kissed the top of her daughters head and gave her a hug. "I'm gonna miss you." Said Piper as she let go.
"It's ok, you'll see me in the morning." Said Sarah as she smiled.
"Alright sweetheart, are you ready to go?" Asked Joker as she nodded.
"Bye Mama." Said Sarah as Joker helped her into the van.
"If there's no back seat, you're gonna have to hold her." Said Piper as Joker grinned.
"I was already planning on doing that." Said Joker as he got into the van and patted his thigh to tell Sarah to sit in his lap. "Alright, boys let's head to the carnival." Said Joker as Sarah's face lit up as the door closed.

They arrived at an old run down carnival that Joker had been using as his base. All of his men were dressed in their finest clown get ups which made Sarah smile and Joker loves that smile. They drove down the rainbow painted cobblestones then stopped by a cart that had a bunch of colorful balloons on it. "Daddy can I have a balloon?" Asked Sarah as Joker smiled.
"That's why they're here." Said Joker as he plucked a bright red one off and handed it to Sarah but she shook her head and pointed to a white one. "Why the white one?" Asked Joker as he plucked it and tied the string around her wrist.
"It's my favorite color because Mama says that no matter what people say I'm beautiful." Said Sarah as she looked at her snow white hand and then pointed at her father. "And that means you're beautiful too Daddy!" She said with a bright smile. Joker smiled softly because he knew the fact that she looked exactly like him was going to give her a lot of challenges in life but seeing that her odd looks weren't going to dampen her spirits that made him happy for how strong she was.

He took her hand and they started walking through the carnival that he had set up just for her. She ran up to one of the game booths which was a milk bottle toss. He has set up step stools at every game booth so that she could see over the counter. She picked up one of the baseballs and threw it but horribly missed and hit the guy behind the counter in the crotch. Joker started to giggle at that and insisted she try again. She kept trying and missing but kept telling her that she could do it. Suddenly one of his men came up and whispered in his ear. "Boss, Batman hit the cash house in the Narrows, cops came and took everything." Said the man as Joker clenched his fist causing his gloves to squeak.
"Where are the fools that allowed this to happen?" He whispered.
"Tent 4." Said the man as Joker huffed.
"I'll be right back sweetheart, keep trying at it." Said Joker as he walked off.

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