Chapter 2: Blood Isn't Everything

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"You know Oswald it's kind of shocking of you and Ed taking in a child." Said Jim Gordon as he and Lee Tompkins were in Oswald's home talking to them about this little boy they had found. Lee was there to check up on him since they were insistent that he was sick.
"I may have killed in the past, Jim but I'm a changed man." Said Oswald in a snarky tone as he didn't take too kindly to Jim thinking so low of him even if it was true.
"Is he going to be alright?" Asked Edward as he was genuinely concerned for the boy.
"He's going to be fine, it just seems like he has the flu but he is going to need constant care." Said Lee as she put her hand on the boy's chest. "We can take him to a hospital where they can care for him until we get him into a foster home upstate." Said Lee as Edward looked at the boy.
"There's no need to waste the hospital's time and resources, I can care for him right here." Said Edward as Lee and Jim looked at each other.
"Ed do you know anything about taking care of children?" Asked Jim as Oswald smirked.
"Ed seems to know quite a lot actually." Said Oswald as he didn't mind the idea of having the boy around. Jim and Lee looked at each other both knowing that it would be insane to trust these two to care for an infant but they really had no good reason to say no.
Lee and Jim stepped aside to talk. "Lee you know this is insane!" Said Jim softly as Lee sighed.
"Yes it is but look at them." Said Lee as she gestured over to see Edward holding the boy in his arms in such a tender way and though Oswald was nervous to be around him it seemed to come from a place of care but it wasn't that they expected either of them to be around a child. They had seen Oswald and Edward around children before and they always seemed to dislike most children besides the boy Martin that Oswald seemed to mentor. However with this child, neither one of them had any reason to be this kind and generous with him but still they were, they actually seemed like a family and Lee couldn't dare to separate them.
"Fine, we'll let them take care of him until we have all the paperwork sorted out." Said Jim as he sighed. They informed Oswald and Edward of the decision, both men were thrilled to be given the chance.

While Oswald and Edward were choosing to be fathers to an abandoned little boy, the Joker was trying to be a father while still staying distant. He had gone by Piper's apartment but hadn't found her but he did find a note she wrote for her parents who often came to check on her and their granddaughter.
Took Sarah to the hospital
So that's just where he went. Joker wasn't a super well known criminal just yet so he was certain he could walk right into the hospital and get a visitor's pass.
He stepped into the hospital and they immediately knew who he was here to see which took him by surprise. "How do you know who I'm here to see exactly?" Joker asked the nurse as she scoffed.
"Are you serious!? Your little girl looks just like you!" Said the nurse as Joker's classic smile faded.
"Oh..." He muttered as she showed him to the room. The nurse knocked at the door and Piper responded.
"Come on." Said Piper's voice as the nurse opened the door.
"Little Miss Sarah has a special visitor." Said the nurse as Joker stepped into the room and Piper smiled.
"Hey..." She said softly.
"Hi." Said Joker with a soft smile. "Can I come in?" Asked Joker softly as she nodded.
"Mhm." Said Piper as she set down her book.
"Do they know what's wrong with her?" Asked Joker as he walked into the room and over to the crib where his darling little Sarah was laying, sleeping soundly.
"No, not yet. They've been doing all sorts of tests but they haven't found anything conclusive." Said Piper as she sighed. "I'm really starting to get worried." She said as Joker reached into the crib and put his hand on little Sarah's chest and rubbed her chest.
"Poor little girl, she must be in so much pain." Said Joker as he frowned.
"She wouldn't stop crying for days but now she's seemed to have settled down." Said Piper as she stood and walked over.
"Well I'm glad she's stopped crying but I hope whatever's wrong with her isn't too serious." Said Joker as Piper nodded. "How are you?" Asked Joker as he looked at her and she sighed.
"I'm doing as well as I can but my parents are starting to become a bit of a pain." Said Piper as Joker grinned.
"Oh they always were!" He said as he laughed.
"Yeah I know, but now every time I try to explain to them that I want to raise Sarah my way they drop the money card on me and guilt trip me into doing things their way." Said Piper as she walked across the room.
"Well you know you could just take my offer." Said Joker as Piper shook her head.
"I've told you before, I'm not gonna raise our daughter on dirty money you've stolen." Said Piper as Joker looked at her.
"Is it really stealing when I'm taking it from the Penguin?" Asked Joker as Piper rolled her eyes.
"I'm not having this discussion again, Joker!" Said Piper as she walked over to her diaper bag and pulled out a bottle for Sarah.
"Piper, please! Don't think of where it comes from just think of how much it can help! I hate that I can't help you raise her in person but please just let me do this so you can tell her that her Dad tried for her even if I couldn't actually be there." Said Joker as Piper sighed.
"Fine, I'll take your money but only if you promise me one day a month you'll come and see her." Said Piper as Joker nodded.
"Of course." Said Joker with a soft smile.

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