Part 5

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The next few years would see the progression of the clone wars and Leah becoming a great Jedi knight. We'd fought together for a long time but it was time for one last mission.

Aiden:It's over Dooku, you couldn't possibly take on four of us.
Anikin:My powers have doubled since the last time we met, count.
Dooku:Good twice the pride double the fall.
Leah:Anikin we have a job to do let's not make this any harder than it has to be. Now surrender, or you die.

Our battle began, we where not here for a fight we where here to rescue the chancellor of Naboo but If we had to fight we would. Dooku quickly called in the B2 droids which Leah and I easily took care of but this gave Dooku time to kick Kenobi aside where he fell unconscious. We rushed back to help Anikin but we were hit by lightning and thrown to different sides of the room. Anikin managed to fight off Dook and cut his hands off, he had him on his knees with two light sabers at his throat. Just then from the far side of the room I heard the chancellor order Anikin to kill him. I got up as fast as I could.

Aiden:Anikin don't, It's not the Jedi way. He must stand trial.
Palpatine:Do it!
Aiden:Anikin you're a great Jedi, don't throw it away by killing an unarmed prisoner.

Anikin gave me a nod and extinguished the sabers as I walked over to free the chancellor. Anikin put force restraining cuffs on Dooku as I went to go check on Leah who was injured but ok. As Kenobi woke up we left the room and began making our why to the hanger when we got caught in a ray shield. B2 droids showed up not long after and took us to the viewing deck.

General Grievous:General Kenobi, the negotiator. Droids free their prisoner and take their light sabers, they'll make a fine addition to my collection.
Aiden:You must be General Grievous. You're uglier than I expected.
Anikin:And shorter than I expected.
Leah:We still have a job to do here can we try not irritate the already pissed off general.

As Dooku began walking to Grievous R2 fired an electric spark causing a big enough distraction that we could use the force to get our sabers back and free our selves from the restraints. I pulled Dooku to me with the force and put him in cuffs. We all began deflecting blaster bolts and cutting down droids. Once we where done dealing with the droids we noticed Grievous had gotten away. The ship was beginning to blow up from all the fire power on the outside of the ship and with our ships destroyed we had to improvise by landing the ship or at least what's left of it. After what felt like an eternity the ship crashed down on the landing strip and we made our way off the ship to be greeted by Mace Windu.
We followed him to the Jedi council room where Leah was made a Knight.

Aiden:Well done Leah, you deserve this.
Leah:Thank you. Your teaching got me here, you're the one that should be getting the praise.
Aiden:But you're the one that put in the effort to be a knight. I am quite impressed with how quickly you've become the Jedi you are now.
Aiden:I'll see you around.
Leah:I don't know how soon it'll be I was given a mission by grand master Yoda and I'll be gone for a while.
Aiden:Good luck my friend.

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