Part 18

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It had been a few hours since I saw Sylvia and I returned to the forest, made a fire and meditated. I was seeing into the force to see if training the girl would be wise. After an hour I could hear someone approaching from behind.

Aiden:How'd you know where to find me?
Hazel:Lucky guess.
Aiden:The way I see it there is no such thing as luck, some people are just gifted.
Hazel:I just came to properly thank you again for saving me.
Aiden:There is no need to thank me, I was simply doing my job. Here sit.
Hazel:Not to sound needy but am I to be trained master Jedi?
Aiden:First sit. Secondly I'm no Jedi let alone a master.
Aiden:And yes I will train you, but first why, why do you want to be a Jedi?

We quickly ducked as a red blade went flying over our heads. We jumped out from behind the log to see Sylvia.

Aiden:Get out of hear go find Leah.
Aiden:Go now! I don't know how you got out of your cell but this is where it ends.
Sylvia:No pretty lightning is going to help you now, I'm not going back into the cell.
Aiden:Who said I was putting you back in the cell?

I ignited my light saber and rushed forward. I swung for her head and was blocked and force pushed back into a tree. I got up slowly, feeling the pain in my back from slamming into the tree. I had had enough of this fight and was set on finishing it with or with out Leah being here. I got up and charged Sylvia, with no intent on striking her down. I flipped over her and put all my effort into it and pushed her down to the ground. She got up and stared me down as Leah approached.

Aiden:What took you so long?
Leah:Oh you know, I took the scenic route.
Aiden:If only you focused on combat as much you did on the beauty of nature, you'd match most Jedi in the order.
Leah:I thought I already did.
Aiden:Only In your dreams. Now let's deal with her.
Sylvia:Good I was beginning to think you'd forgotten me.
Leah:Never, I'll never miss the chance to show who the better apprentice is.

We rushed at Sylvia, I flipped over her making sure she couldn't move back and Leah stayed in front making sure she couldn't go forward. Just when we thought we had her pinned down she slammed her hand down on the ground cause a shockwave to throw both of us back. When I got up I could see Leah being struck with force lightning. I'd had enough of this fight I used all my strength to force push Sylvia through a tree and out of the forest, I caught the falling tree and put it on her foot to make sure she wouldn't go anywhere. I walked up to her with my saber ignited.

Leah:Aiden don't, she must be arrested.
Aiden:She's too dangerous to be left alive. If we put her in a cell, she'll find a way out, go to her master and tell him that there are two Jedi here!
Leah:Fine, do what you must.

I extinguished my light saber and walked over to Leah.

Leah:What now, I agreed with you. Kill her.
Aiden:Remember when I pushed her down?
Aiden:I marked her.

With a snap of my fingers A fire began burning from the inside of Sylvia. While she burned to death quick the fire lasted for hours.

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