3. Rubik's Cube

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Scene 1

On a rare sunny day at Mayfield Hospital, the grounds outside were alive with patients taking advantage of the weather. Among them, a group had started an impromptu game of basketball, their laughter and shouts creating a lively atmosphere that seemed almost out of place against the backdrop of the institution.

House, leaning heavily on his cane, had made his way outside. Alvie, ever the enthusiast, bounced over to House with a basketball tucked under his arm.

Alvie: Come on, House! Join in! It's just for fun.

Alvie urged, his eyes bright with the excitement of the game

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Alvie urged, his eyes bright with the excitement of the game.

House glanced at the ball, then at his cane, and finally at the players running back and forth.

House: Oh, yes, because what I really need is to risk another leg injury for the sake of 'fun.' My idea of fun doesn't usually include a trip to the ER.

Dr. Beasley: Greg, it's not about the game. It's about interaction, being part of the community here. Even just passing the ball could help.

She suggested, her tone encouraging yet firm.

Annoyed by the insistence, House stood up, using his cane for support.

House: Fine. If it'll get you off my back, I'll 'interact.' But I'm not responsible for any shattered egos or broken noses. My basketball skills are as refined as my bedside manner.

As House made a show of preparing to join, he couldn't resist making his usual sarcastic comments to the patients nearby

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As House made a show of preparing to join, he couldn't resist making his usual sarcastic comments to the patients nearby.

House: Remember, folks, it's all about having fun, and possibly discovering hidden talents. Like finding out who can dodge a basketball aimed at their head.

But then, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Ada. House's demeanor changed instantly; the game, the patients, even Alvie and Dr. Beasley faded into the background.

 Beasley faded into the background

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