6. Snow

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Scene 1

The usually quiet morning was shattered by noises, startling House and his roommate, Alvie, from their slumber. It was cold in the room.

House: What in the world...?

House grumbled, the discomfort evident in his voice as he reluctantly peeled the covers off. The floor was an ice rink beneath his feet.

Alvie, leaped from his bed.

Alvie: Did the heating die again, or are we just auditioning for the next ice age?

Alvie: Did the heating die again, or are we just auditioning for the next ice age?

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He quipped, rubbing his hands together for warmth.

Their attention was captured by the sound of hurried footsteps and urgent voices emanating from the corridor. With a shared glance, they moved towards the door, opening it to a scene that was as bizarre as it was unexpected.

Ada, was darting down the hallway barefoot, her nightgown fluttering behind her. Her face was alive with excitement.

Behind her, in hot pursuit, was Dr

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Behind her, in hot pursuit, was Dr. Heinrich Volmer. His patience wore thin.

Dr.Volmer: (shouting) Ada, you can't just run barefoot into the snow! You're going to get sick. This is unacceptable! Return immediately!

House and Alvie had to quickly step back into their room to avoid being barreled into by the unlikely duo. House couldn't help but find amusement in the situation, a smirk playing on his lips as he leaned against the doorframe.

House: (amused) Looks like the puppet master is losing his strings.

Alvie, distracted by a different aspect, made a beeline for the window, pressing his face against the cold glass.

Alvie: (happily) Snow! It's actually snowing.

Everywhere he looked, a thick blanket of snow covered the ground.

House joined Alvie at the window, his gaze following the snowflakes.

House: Well, it's not every day you get to see a snowstorm from the cozy confines of a psychiatric hospital.

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