4. The Unseen Presence

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Scene 1

In the dining room of Mayfield Psychiatric Hospital, the clinking of utensils and the low murmur of voices fill the air. Gregory House, limping slightly, leads the way with Alvie, trailing behind him.

As they queue for breakfast, Alvie launches into a rapid-fire commentary on everything from the quality of the food to the weather, seemingly oblivious to House's lack of response.

Alvie: Man, I swear they put something in the food here to make us more compliant. You ever notice that? Hey, do you think if I asked nicely, they'd give me double bacon?

 You ever notice that? Hey, do you think if I asked nicely, they'd give me double bacon?

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House: Because nothing says 'stable mental health' like clogging your arteries at 8 AM.

They take their trays—House with a sandwich selection, Alvie with as much bacon as he could charm from the server—and find a table.

As they sit, House's attention is immediately drawn to Ada, sitting alone at a table across the room, save for an elderly blind man who seems to be struggling with his breakfast

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As they sit, House's attention is immediately drawn to Ada, sitting alone at a table across the room, save for an elderly blind man who seems to be struggling with his breakfast.

House: Ah, the breakfast club: a girl who won't talk and a guy who can't see.

House: Ah, the breakfast club: a girl who won't talk and a guy who can't see

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Alvie, following House's gaze, grins.

Alvie: You've been watching her a lot. Got a crush, House?

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