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The cycle of life and death, we were meant to be alive until our time came, and our wolves were to return back to where they came in hopes of getting to bond with another.

We were all happy until we weren't.

We are alive until we die.

But there was a place between life and death, where the lost and broken are sent to wander. When you are not stable enough to stay on the land of the living and too stable to be dead.

I knew I wasn't dead because I would've been in Thanatos right now. I wasn't alive either. I was in the in-between with no idea how to get back.

The place was bright, nothing could be seen but white. I've been here for a while, days, weeks, probably months now.

There were people walking around, but they didn't seem to see me. I've tried walking in front of them, waving, yelling, and still nothing. They just looked lost and like they've given up.

I had a small feeling that I was supposed to look like that, or I would end up looking like them.

I tried walking too, but no matter where I went, it all looked the same, and it was the same results every time.

From time to time, I would hear a small whisper,I think that might've just been my brain testing to see if I was still here.

Maybe all these people have been here for far too long for them to lose their minds and shut down.

This was all my fault, I wasn't strong enough to heal myself and stay awake.

I was currently sitting with my legs criss-crossed, watching people walk past me; they just looked straight ahead like lifeless zombies.

I had no idea where they were walking to either, but they were very determined.

A soft meow caught my attention, and I looked ahead of me to see the small kitten making its way towards me.

"Ohh my god, aren't you adorable." I squealed and extended my arms out to the cat. She rubbed her head against my hand.

Her fur was a rich chocolate brown, and her eyes were two different colours, one brown and the other blue.

I ran my hand over her fur, and she purred in satisfaction. How did she even get here?

So someone can see me after all.

The cat crawled on my lap, and I continued to pet her as I looked all around me, trying to find where she came from.

I wasn't gonna see anything if I sat down all the time, so I might as well walk with these people.

I cradled the cat to my chest and stood up and walked behind the group of people.

"Uhm hello do you know where everyone is going?" I asked the person in front of me. No one even looked in my direction.

A small child came to walk beside me, and I looked down at him. He was staring at me as he held on tightly to a weird looking doll made of sticks and grass.

"Do you know where we're going?" I asked, and he nodded.

"The processing." He said and stroked the grass that was attached to the stick. I guess it was supposed to be hair.

"The what?"

"To know if we live or die." He mumbled, but I catched it.

The processing, I guess , is where we'll be judged to see if we were good enough to live or not enough to die.

 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝|𝐁𝐗𝐁 Where stories live. Discover now