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For the past 18 years, all I've known is that happiness lies beyond the castle. Wherever mother isn't, that was where I was happy.
When I was outside feeling the sun on my skin and watching all the wolves in the kingdom and when I was in my garden.

Those were my happy places.

The garden wasn't even my own at this point, everyday someone came and picked a plant all because of my mother.

I had no clue what she was using it for, and I couldn't kill the plants because that would only make her more mad than she was already.

“Cassius!” I heard her angry voice booming throughout the castle, and with a racing heart, I jumped up from my spot on the grass and stood at attention when I saw her coming towards me.  She wore a nasty frown on her face as she marched towards me, and I gulped.

I was in so much trouble.

“Care to tell me why Laurence was not seen for the past three days?”

I shook my head from left to right, not once looking at her.

“What did you do?” She asked, and I hesitantly looked at her.

“I did nothing. He wasn't my mate, so I-” I started to mumble, but she interrupted me.

“So you what? You killed him?”

My eyes widened as I looked at her, and I opened my mouth to protest, but she beat me to it.

“You have no idea the things you've just ruined. It is funny how you claim you are not the monster you know you are!” She said, raising her voice at me.

“I-I'm not a mon-”

“You are.” She said and turned away from me, walking away.

I watched her as she left the garden and was out of sight before I released a deep breath.

I was not a monster. He deserved what he got. He tricked me, used me, he deserved every bit of it, and more. How was I a monster for taking action?

What if he had taken that flower and poisoned my mother?

So no, I wasn't a monster. I saved someone. I saved a person's life, and I was being called a monster for that. She is the one who is a monster she puts on these faces for people to see and believe that she is a good person when, in reality, she is not.

I had no clue why she was forcing this mating on me, and I did not get how this would benefit her in any way. Should I not be mated out of love?

How did she manage to convince me that he was my mate for months?

For months, I left my real mate all alone, unable to see him or to receive the warmth I so dreamt of. I haven’t spoken to Eros since the incident, I was too afraid that he too saw me as the monster they say I am.

I stayed away from his training grounds, and I told the castle guards to prevent him from entering the place at all. It is not that I didn’t want to see him, I did, but I was scared.

All these powers I knew he wasn’t used to, a world he didn’t know about. I could not drag him into any of my problems. He doesn't deserve that. He deserved a sweet omega who could love him endlessly and bring forth a family. All I could offer him was my love, and that was not enough.

I hated this place and wished I could leave forever, just me and Eros, but no matter where we would go, she would find me.

I gathered myself, wiping away the tears that had fallen, leaving my garden, closing the door behind me. I made sure to lock it this time because  of what happened, I could not afford anything to happen.

 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝|𝐁𝐗𝐁 Where stories live. Discover now