Chapter 10: So kiss me

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I don't know where my boost of confidence came from but I quickly moved my hand gripping the back of his neck forcing his head to bob back down. I could tell he was shocked and confused by the look on his face, which made me chuckle. I pulled his head down a little more trying to make him understand that I wanted him to kiss me. Finally a look of understanding crossed his face before it was immediately replaced with one of lust. It was something that I had never seen directed at me before, it made me feel special and empowered. I moved the hand that was gripping the back of his neck to his face, lightly brushing my fingers over his cheeks to get some of the dirt off, when I got to his lips I lightly traced over them with my thumb removing the dirt that was on them and relishing in the feel of how soft and warm they were under my thumb. He smiled down at me causing me to smile back.

His eyes flicked to my lips before he leant his head down, I closed my eyes waiting for our lips to connect, but instead felt a hand slowly run down my neck, then my arm, just to rest at my hip. He gripped roughly causing me to gasp. It was then that two soft lips connected with mine. I started to move my lips, a little unsure of what to do. I felt his other hand move to the side of my face caressing my head gently. He moved his lips expertly on mine as I tried to keep up with his rhythm. It was a simple kiss, very PG, I thought to myself when our lips had parted. I remained unmoving with my eyes closed just relishing in the feel of being kissed like that for the first time. That was awesome. I felt Blaze's thumb lightly sliding along my cheekbone making me blush. He probably thinks I fell asleep or something since my eyes are still closed. I heard him chuckle above me, most likely at my warming cheeks before I felt him leaning down again. His lips connected with mine but it was just for a second, like a little peck. I finally opened my eyes taking in his sparkling ones. 

"Hi" I said a little awkwardly causing my cheeks to flush again.

He burst into a fit of laughter over me. "Hi Bo." he replied after his laughter died down shaking his head. A look of sadness seemed to cross his eyes making me arch my eyebrow in question, "as much as I would love to lay here with you like this, especially like this," he added making a gesture towards our bodies. I looked down just now noticing that my dress was hunched up, exposing my legs and a small part of my boy shorts. "I should probably get you home," he commented sadly.

I nodded my head, a little dazed and unable to think, if Blaze was a jerk he could have easily taken me right here and nobody would have known, hell I probably would have let him. I got up after Blaze feeling a little disappointed in myself. What is he going to think of me, he probably thinks I'm some stupid slutty freshman like all of those other stupid girls in my grade; ugh I'm so stupid. He offered me his hand, but I acted as if I hadn't noticed it and started walking ahead of him trying to leave as hastily as I could.

By some miracle I made it to the end of the pathway without tripping once. It was probably because I was concentrating incredibly hard on putting one foot in front of the other. I was so proud of myself that I completely missed the tree branch on the ground at the opening of the path and tripped falling face down. I felt Blazes arms jolt out wrapping around my waist, catching me before I hit the ground and pulling me to his chest. "Aww man, you were doing so well," he whispered in my hair making me shiver.

I sighed trying to get out of his hold. I was incredibly disappointed with myself for the second time that night.

"Hey what happened?" he asked turning me so he could see my face. I looked up at him in question. "Oh don't give me that face, you know what I'm talking about. We were having a great time but now you look sad and angry. Is it because I kissed you? I'm sorry, if that's the reason we can just forget it happened," he stated, looking sad.

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