Chapter 13: What did I just do...

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"Get the fuck off of her." Drew growled. I felt a surge of relief spread through out my body, but stayed glued to my spot in fear.

"Of course you come here and fucking save the day. You always save the day.... well I'm fucking tired of it. I want her and she wants me so if you'll excuse us we're going to go finish what we started and I'm going to fuck her in ways that you will only ever dream of lover boy." Blaze said smiling smugly before looking in my direction with lust filled eyes.

As if on reflex my entire body cowered away from him. Next thing I know Drew had him pinned against the wall with both of his fists tangled in Blaze's shirt. Blaze looked so unbelievably frightened under Drew's hold. Honestly, I would be scared too if Drew was looking at me like that. He looked ready to kill.

"You will not fucking touch her again, do you understand? I swear if you ever lay a finger on her, hell if you even look at her without her permission I promise I will find a way to break your arm so that you will never be able to throw another baseball in your life. There are plenty of girls that are willing to give themselves to you fully, so go screw one of them up. Bo here is not up for the picking by you so back. The. Fuck. Off." He said in the most threatening voice I've ever heard him use. He then shoved Blaze roughly into the wall. If I wasn't so freaked out I'd probably find Drew sexy, but that was the last thing that was on my mind.

Blaze lifted his hands detangling Drew's from his own shirt and then shoved his arms down. He looked at me with a piercing stare, "whatever she's not fucking worth my trouble or time." he said looking at me with disgust before turning to leave.

Drew took a couple calming breaths and then turned to me with complete worry in his eyes. He came over to me and knelt down so he could check to make sure I wasn't physically injured, "Bo baby are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he? I swear if he did I will go back and beat the living shit out of him."

I put a hand on his chest to reassure him, "Drew I'm fine, I promise, I'm just a little shaken up." I said with a sad smile. I was more than shaken up. I was fine physically I guess, but emotionally I was a wreck.

Drew nodded and then without warning bent down picking me up by my waist. I quickly wrapped my arms around his shoulders so I wouldn't fall backwards. He moved one hand lower and tried to grip my thigh to wrap it around his waist, but instead accidentally grabbed my butt making me chuckle. "Drew!" I yelled playfully, "You're grabbing my ass!"

He dropped his hand so fast that I thought he was going to drop me, but somehow his one arm held me steady against him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and this time he carefully placed both hands so they weren't touching my butt. He then began walking down the bleachers with me in his arms. "Sorry " he said once we had reached the bottom.

"It's okay Drew, it was worth it to see that look of embarrassment on your face, but you sure were gripping." I replied chuckling.

He laughed with me, "no. I'm not sorry about that, cause you know you've got a great ass. I will never apologize for accidentally gripping dat ass," he stated confidently before lightly smacking my butt for emphasis, which earned an un-amused look from me. He smiled haughtily before continuing, "I'm sorry that one, Blaze is such an asshole and two, that you had to see me get angry."

I looked him in the eyes and noticed his complete and utter agony, "Drew its not your fault that Blaze is a jerk. I mean you did warn me about him and I chose to ignore you, so it's my fault for not listening to you. Now what is this anguish for?" I asked eyeing him with concern.

"What do you mean?" he asked looking at me with sad eyes.

"I mean, why did you look so guilty when you said that you were sorry I had to see you angry?"

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