Chapter 3: Drew Friend Down

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I walked up the stairs and found my homeroom really fast; something that I thought was going to be impossible because of the size of this place. Unfortunately, nobody was in the class yet, so I decided to walk around the school to attempt to find my other classes. I wanted to be prepared for later. I covered 3 out of my 8 classes and was onto the fourth when I ran into what felt like a brick wall. I swear there wasn’t something there two seconds ago I thought to myself, grimacing at the slight pain in my wrist. 

I looked up to see a giant man-child wearing our football jersey, sneering down at me. He might as well have been a wall; this guy was massive. Not only did he surpass six feet, he was also incredibly wide. He wasn’t fat or anything, he was just enormous, especially standing in comparison to my small frame.   

Not wanting to cause any attention to myself, and already feeling a blush start to creep onto my cheeks, I quickly gathered all the stuff that I had dropped. I muttered a quick sorry and then attempted to move past him. Unfortunately he wanted to start a confrontation, which I wasn’t very good with, I tend to have a pretty short fuse.

He started blocking my way every time I tried to move past him. It was really starting to get on my nerves. He was smirking at me like he knew what effect he was having on my temper. The urge to wipe that smirk right off his face with the back of my hand was growing with each second. Finally I gave up and glared up at him, “excuse me, but your giant wall self is blocking my way, so if you wouldn’t mind just wobbling like the giant penguin that you are over to the side, so that I can walk by that would be terrific.” I said with more than a hint of sarcasm. I had to take a few steps back so that I wasn't straining my neck to look at his amused face. 

“Ouch, you know what that really hurt little freshie and you didn’t even say sorry for running into me.” he frowned like I had really hurt his feelings, clearly entertained by this whole situation. Even so he crossed his arms over his chest refusing to back down. Naturally I mocked him trying my best to look intimidating, which was probably useless considering the fact that he had more than a couple of inches on me. He chuckled at my futile attempts, obviously finding some hilarity in them.

I rolled my eyes “oh please running into you hurt my body way more than it did yours, and I did say sorry maybe if you shrunk down to a normal sized human being you’d actually be able to hear me.” I hadn’t noticed the people around us before, but now I definitely did, especially because they were all snickering at the scene unfolding before them. I felt my cheeks warm instantly. I really didn’t want to be known as the girl that couldn’t control her temper so I turned on my heel quickly hoping to escape this torture. Of course, in my attempt to flee, I ended up running right into another football player. This time I completely toppled to the ground. Laughter began erupting all around me as I felt my entire face heat. If I blushed any harder I would with out a doubt pop an artery.

I gathered my things off the floor as fast as I could before noticing the extended hand in front of my face. I took the offered hand allowing them to pull me up to my feet. I muttered a shy thank you and finally glanced up at the kind persons face.

 Something clicked in my head when I met those piercing blue eyes. "D-d-Drewww?" I stuttered embarrassed that I hadn't recognized him.

He looked at me with complete surprise. "Hey?" he eyed me wearily like I was dangerous.

I felt an overwhelming sense of hurt rush through my body forcing tears to brim in my eyes. He looked so shocked to see me, almost as if he forgot I existed in the first place. I really didn’t want to break down in front of all these people, especially Drew, so I turned and hastily walked away from the scene without glancing back.

I ran to the bathroom and tried to regain my composure before the bell rang. I forced myself to get it together before I promptly made my way to homeroom.

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