Chapter 4: Reunited and It Feels So Good

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When I got home that day I noticed that Drew’s house was pretty dark which meant he probably wasn't home. Judging by the jersey he was wearing today he must have made it on the football team. I hate not knowing anything about him anymore. He was incredibly athletic two years ago so I'm guessing he only got better, at least that's what I'd hope. Deciding to wait until later tonight I stole away to my room and started on my homework. 

 Before I knew it dad and Ember were both home with dinner. It was such a relief to not have to worry about getting groceries or cooking dinner, although my dad’s specialties usually stopped at breakfast when it came to cooking. I didn't mind though his pancakes were to die for. I wasn't surprised when I came downstairs to find a box of pizza in the middle of the table. I grabbed half the box with the intent of taking it up to my room when the pops stopped me. 

 "Hey sweetie eat down here with us. I want to know how your day went." his voice rang out sincerely. I was a little taken back by his question, but it was only because nobody had asked me how my day had gone, in forever. I was usually the one that asked Ember that question. 

 I sat down for dinner a little apprehensively. I was so unaccustomed to it, but I went ahead and relayed my day's events to my dad while stuffing my face. Him and Ember burst into laughter when I told them about the scene I had caused in the hallway. I gave them both a dirty look for laughing at my misfortune even though inside I felt my heart tightening at the scene before me. It felt like a part of me was finally returning, a part that I had forgotten about long ago. I smiled, welcoming the change for the first time in a very long time.

"So who were the extra slices for?" my dad asked seeing as I only ate 4 of the 6 that I had grabbed. 

 I shrugged my shoulders, even though I knew exactly whom they were for. Pizza was one of Drew’s favorites; actually food was Drew’s favorite, which was one of the reasons as to why we got along so well. 

 My dad got up and grabbed a smaller box of pizza from the counter. He turned around and handed it to me. I took the box completely bewildered as to why he was giving it to me. 

 "I know you haven't been yourself lately but I had a good feeling about today." he said shrugging "and don't worry I miss him being around too." He added with a sad smile.

 I looked at him with a shocked expression. How did he know? He winked at me knowingly. I always forgot how observant he was, but I guess you have to be when you’re in the marines. I nodded my head and then dismissed myself from the table kissing him on the cheek. He had grown some stubble since the last time I saw him and his hair was starting to grow out more. I kept noticing different things that he would change about himself ever since mom left. They were nice changes, almost as if he was figuring himself out again. "Thanks dad. I know I haven't really said this aloud but it’s really great to have you back." I couldn't help the amount of emotion that seeped into my voice. I wasn't ready for those feelings to come bubbling back up though so I embarrassedly turned and stalked back to my room. 

 "Good luck sweet heart." my dad called, as I made my way upstairs with my forgiveness pizza. I couldn't help but smile to myself, grateful to have a little piece of normality back. 

 Just as I reached my room I noticed the light in Drew's room flick on. With a reproachful sigh I began the climb to his roof, which, might I add, was no easy feat with a box of pizza in your hands. I'm surprised I didn't drop the entire thing, or myself.

I lightly tapped on his window when I successfully and safely make it to his roof. I was really hoping not to scare him. He peeked through his window with a confused expression overcoming his features. Finally, realization dawned on his face as he noticed that it was I. He unlocked and opened the window for me with a concerned look on his face.

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