8 | Glycerine

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School's been the usual the last few weeks and I haven't seen Lennon for three weeks. Well I did see him pass by in school but he had always been so far away and not walking in my direction, so I didn't have a chance to talk to him.

I felt the sun tickling my nose as I was sitting on the usual set of stairs on campus. Wired earplugs in, I was listening to Bush, Glycerine, such a good song!
When all of a sudden one of them got pulled out and my head made a 180 spin and I was looking right into Lennon's face.

"Hey there, watcha listening too," he asked and sat down next to me, blocking the stairs. After returning his 'hey' I showed him the screen of my phone, he just frowned.

"What? Don't tell me you don't know that one!?!" I mocked Lennon in a shocked tone.

"Didn't get the chance to, sorry love," he said casually as if he didn't just call me love, whereas I was freaking out internally.  "Let me give it a listen, will you?" Lennon smiled at me innocently, the hint of shyness slightly playing around his eyes. I just nodded, the redness creeping in my face while I handed him one of my wired earplugs.

"Just- Let me start the song so you can have a good listen from the beginning," I slowly said, ignoring the blush on my cheeks and playing the song while I had the other earplug in my ear.

So we just sat there sharing earplugs and enjoying the moment while blocking the stairs for other students to pass. I tried to casually sneak glances at Lennon because I was really really curious to his reaction to the song. Glycerine was a really slow song and didn't even have drums in it, it was pretty much just electric guitar and the singer singing.

I looked at Lennon again and couldn't help but smile, he had his eyes closed and a small smile on his face. He looked calm like summer, at least how I felt in summer. Lennon looked like a warm summer breeze that makes the too hot summer bearable again, the type of thing that puts a smile on my face every time it's there.

Lennon was as beautiful as the song, at least to me. I didn't want this moment, or this day, let go by, I wanted to hold on to it. Then he turned to me and his smile grew even bigger, reaching his eyes completely, the shyness completely gone now.

"That tune is so fucking beautiful, I owe you for showing me," he said while nudging me with his shoulder, the blush returning on my cheeks and I squinted my eyes because the sun was shining right in my face.

"Then you better remember it, put it in your liked songs on spotify or something," I joked and nudged him too, being with him was so easy. Lennon nodded and grabbed his phone out of the pocket of his jeans, doing what I proposed in lighting speed and then putting it back where he had it from.

"Got more songs?" Lennon nearly seemed eager to hear more songs that I knew and liked, las if he wanted to get to know me more, through songs, through music. I could've never said no to him asking this question and I never would, not even the slightest chance.

"Sure. D'you know 'Mad Season'?"


"Angie, where d'you have classes next," Lennon asked me while he held out a hand to help me get up from the stair we were sitting on. When I grabbed his hand our rings were making noises from clashing together, creating their own little song and making me smile. It was starting to become my favourite song and I had nothing against it.

He pulled me up effortlessly and then turned around, my hand still in his but he didn't walk any further, just looked back at me, brows furrowed because he was still waiting for my answer.

"I have maths with the goblin." Lennon laughed at my response and tucked lightly at my hand, instantly knowing which teacher and to which classroom to head to.

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