Mini celebrity

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Small note; I had the song "cold" by sign crushes motorist on repeat all throughout writing this chapter. If you want to hit the feelings I certainly did, you can listen to it on repeat too :)


Norma usually had lots of patience when it came to Alex. But there was something about being sleep deprived that just made her want to explode every time Alex did something wrong.

After spending a week at home with Norma and Ellie, Alex had to go back to work. This was his least favourite part. He could barely go five minutes without holding Ellie, how was he going to spend eight hours away from his almost two week old? (Alex barely even knew how that tiny baby was already almost two weeks old, she was getting so big to him).

Norma on the other hand, was sorta (very) pissed off. She wasn't pissed off at anything particularly, she just was. She hated many things. One thing she hated was when Alex would unintentionally annoy her.

So now here she was at one in the afternoon, finally able to calm Ellie down after her huge wailing session, with a plastic bag in her hand because not only did Alex not only go to work without breakfast, but also forget his lunch.

She also struggled getting Ellie's stroller down the million stone steps, so she was definitely pissed.


"Hi." Norma sighed, putting on a smile once she reached the front desk of the sheriffs department. Luckily Regina (her favourite out of the bunch) came out. A huge smile spread across Regina's face when she saw the stroller Norma was wheeling back and forth to keep Ellie calm.

"Oh my god. Is that the baby?" She squealed, leaving the office to have a look at the (now awake and observant) baby.

"Yeah, she's already two weeks old." Norma politely smiles. Ellie was kicking her legs around, looking up at the two ladies she barely recognised. "She's a mini celebrity, I can't just go on a walk without people congratulating me and trying to get a look at her."

"She's so precious! Is that why Romero has been so cranky with us all?"

"Probably." Norma chuckles. "She isn't exactly a good sleeper, shes keeping me and Alex up every night."

"Awh." Regina sympathetically whines.

"Anyways, Alex forgot his lunch this morning. Can you just watch the baby out here please?"

"Yes! Of course. She's so adorable, what's her name?"

"Elizabeth, Ellie."

"Ellie.. well, she's adorable. Congratulations."

"Thank you." Norma smiles. As soon as her back is turned, the smile had faded and she's all mad once again. She makes her way to Alex's office, quickly opening the door.

She didn't expect what she saw inside. Alex seemed exhausted, signing paperwork with his arm holding his head up for support. He seemed exhausted, and part of norma felt so horrible for him. Norma was tired, but she could just sleep if she really wanted to. Alex had to work, he had to do boring sheriff stuff (how norma would put it) from 8am to 6pm, all while running on about four hours of sleep.

"Hey." She said quietly.

"Hi." No matter how tired Alex was, seeing his wife always made him feel better.

"You forgot your lunch, I thought I'd bring it in."

"Thanks. Where's Ellie?"

"She's getting all the attention from Regina." Norma smiles.

"I've told all the guys about her." Alex smiles back.

"Yeah, we have a mini celebrity out there."

"We do." Alex grins, slowly blinking that convinces Norma he'll end up falling asleep at any given moment.

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