The Last of Us

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From their lofty perch atop the cathedral roof, Bilo and Sylvester beheld the catastrophic tableau that had unfurled upon the once-charming university city. Once-proud buildings and formidable walls now lay in ruin, flickering flames licking at their skeletal remains. The cobblestone streets, once bustling with life, were now a grisly tapestry of chaos, strewn with lifeless forms.

Gazing upon the central spires, the duo's eyes were drawn to the regal bronze statue of the archmage—a symbol of wisdom and stability.  Somehow the statue had been animated and was now hammering tirelessly upon the chains that bound the evoker's ward. The air itself seemed charged with the weight of impending doom as Bilo and Sylvester took in the somber scene, realizing that they, and whomever else remained in this city was in mortal danger.

Gazing upon the streets below, Bilo and Sylvester witnessed grotesque amalgamations, twisted hybrids of man and beast, alongside those who had surrendered all traces of their humanity. These monstrous entities scavenged amidst the ruins of the city, their forms hauntingly otherworldly.

In the face of this surreal horror, the intrepid duo swiftly devised a plan. Recalling the resilient shopkeepers they had encountered – individuals who appeared sturdy enough to endure the cataclysmic aftermath of the cathedral's blast – Bilo and Sylvester believed that these hardy survivors might be the last bastions of hope amid the desolation

Recognizing Rossana's shop as the nearest refuge, they gracefully descended the tiled roof. Bilo, now equipped with feline agility, landed with a silent finesse beside the cathedral. In contrast, Sylvester, embodying the resilience of his Irish roots, tumbled to the ground but shrugged off the impact with a hardy resolve. Determined to reach the shop, they pressed on through the altered landscape of their once-familiar city.

Through the city's twisted remnants, they stealthily discovered an opening in the inner walls. As they exited, a subtle munching sound reached their ears from a narrow alley, a pathway they had to traverse to reach Rossana's shop. Peering cautiously around the corner, the duo beheld two creatures, a grotesque blend of wolves and men, feasting upon the remains of a fresh corpse.

Bilo, thinking within the strategic confines of his new weapon, swiftly scaled the crumbling stone structure beside the alley, his machine gun in hand, while his wizardly companion, poised and prepared, awaited the opportune moment to disrupt the path of the looming beasts.

Unleashing a furious barrage of bullets from his elevated position, Bilo, hidden from the feasting monsters below, sought to quickly dispatch his foes. Yet, the weight shift proved perilous, as the damaged roof beneath him succumbed to his formidable girth. With a sudden crash, Bilo plummeted through three creaking wooden floors, the relentless hail of bullets missing their intended mark.

Ever the quick thinker, Sylvester conjured a sticky web that ensnared one of the wolf-men in the alley. Despite his efforts, the other beast had already lunged into the damaged building, sinking its teeth into the unsuspecting tiefling.

Bilo, recognizing the impracticality of his beloved machine gun in such close quarters, swung it over his shoulder and seized the wolf-man. With tremendous force, he crashed through the building's weakened walls, bringing it down in a cascade of debris. Emerging from the wreckage, he tossed his foe into the sticky web, joining its trapped companion.

With a combination of fire and lead, Sylvester and Bilo swiftly dispatched the abominable mutants, reducing the once-men to a wretched paste. Undeterred, they pressed forward on their path.

Stealthily approaching Rossana's shop, they witnessed her automatons engaged ina fierce battle with two mutants resembling the ones they had encountered earlier. Without much pause, Bilo unleashed a torrent of gunfire through the store windows, indiscriminately annihilating both flesh and machine. With the chaos inside dissipated, the two adventurers swiftly entered the establishment.

Discovering a trapdoor at the rear of the shop, the pair lifted it open. Sylvester illuminated the darkness below with a magical light, and as they called out for Rossana, only a profound silence greeted them. Bilo, in his distinct accent, then uttered, "Oi love, if y'er down there, can ya let us know?" To their surprise, a high woman's voice responded, "Don't call me that, you animal!"

Bilo turned to Sylvester with a smirk and said, "She loves me, dain't she mate?" Sylvester, with a light-hearted tone, responded, "Eh, Bilo, would you please let me do the talkin' here?" Bilo sighed, and Sylvester called down, saying, "Eh, Rossana, we are getting together survivors in the city. You are first on the list, but we plan on knockin' the doors 'a Peridas and Nekrid."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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The Albionic Chronicles Part 1 Chapter 7: The Last of UsWhere stories live. Discover now