Part 34: Consequence of Submission

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The transformation is complete.
I am now no longer myself, fully!
Destiny is a bitch.
In fact, she is my auntie,
and in every way my father's sister.

My children are now grown.
With lives of their own,
out in the world participating in the work of bringing it down.

The great plan unfolds.
Look! And you'll see what I can.
Look again, and you'll not see what I can.
The invisible yet perceptible hands,
almost all of 8 billion to their kingdom.

I once had hope you'd make it.
I thought I had what it takes to fight it.
I wanted you all to survive it.
Foolish me.
Your salvation is not to be.

My folly will live on.
Yours approach a terrible end.
And when you're gone, it will not begin again.

It's been 18 years.
And now I see it,
have come to accept it.
I have kneeled, head bowed and submitted.

From destiny you cannot run.
I am my father's son.
It's what finally I've learned!

For almost 2 decades an army has been waiting.
For my submission.
For me to accept a truth and begin the work of leading, of leading it to your demise.
8 Billion!
This is to be the result of my submission, this final war that claims all lives.

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